» Chapter Five; A Room Full of Vampires

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A/N :: Sorry for not posting for two weeks! Heres another chapter, I also just posted a oneshot it's a Soulmate AU! Crowley x Reader if you wanted to check it out. Thanks for reading!

It didn't take them very long to retrieve you. From you could put together, the blonde on your left was named "Horn" and while the other on your right was "Chess". Neither spoke much but when they did, it was to one another. Also neither one of them wore hoods which lead you to believe they were also nobles like Ferid Bathory.

"Where are we going?" You wondered, finding the voice to finally ask them. Chess glanced at you but continued walking, not too interested in having a conversation with livestock. "We're here." Horn said. The three of you approached a set of large doors, both nobles pushed one door. Giving off the expression of a grand entrance.

Soon enough you were shoved inside, falling down into the carpet which hardly cushioned your fall. The sounds of the doors falling shut reached your ears, you glanced back to see both women guarding the doors.

"So. You're (Y/N)?" A mans voice spoke up.

Jumping back up, you turned to face the vampire you first seen when arriving sitting behind the desk while looking at some documents and reports.

"Who's asking?" Deciding to take the cautious approach but he seemed to be expecting it but it didn't stop him from looking amused as he lowered the papers. "I am, of course." "And who exactly are you?" This you already knew, just wanted some confirmation.

"Lord Crowley. Why are you letting her speak to her you like that?" Chess asked. Soon enough realization hit you. You felt your body tremble ever so slightly. Was this about earlier? You thought, as you did cause quite the trouble with those vampires but it was to protect your family. Letting out a sigh, calming your breathing but your breath hitched as Crowley's crimson eyes fell on your figure.

The vampire wore a pleasant smile, but his eyes was another story. Looking at you as if you were a piece of meat to him, which was actually true in this case but that didn't bring you any comfort. "Is this about earlier? If you want to punish me then go right ahead." You glared at him. "Because if it meant I protected my family, I'll just do it again."

Crowley watched your little declaration in amusement. "You really are strange." He commented, which caught you off guard as you somewhat expected to be punished painfully right there and then. "Ferid was right." The vampire mumbled to himself while standing up, setting whatever papers he had in his hand onto the table.

You watched as he made his way around the desk, slowly approaching you which caused your body to freeze up. Crowley stopped right in front of you, "What are you—?" Not even recognizing your own voice, you were scared. "Oh. Nothing, not today at least." Turning on his heels and returning to his desk.

As he distances himself from you, you felt yourself breathing easier. "But I'll be keeping my eye on you. Wouldn't want you to cause anymore trouble now would we?" Crowley said while sitting back down, crossing his legs while smiling at you. "That's enough for today. Chess, Horn?" A pause. "Please return (Y/N) to her room."

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