How Everything Started

46 0 0

13th March, 2143

Onyx stops at the junction before our school, grabbing my arm and pulling me into an alley. Faye. I look up at him, unsure what's going on. His green eyes have a certain bit of fear in them. I know this isn't what we've been told our whole lives. Not what we've been told to do. You won't understand, not yet, and I hope you won't understand what I'm going to say anytime soon. But I need you to remember this. Our parents are not - there's more to them than you think.

What are you trying to say, Onyx? I shake my head, confused. He sighs.

If anything happens, whatever happens, just don't believe everything they tell you. Just-believe me, okay? He sounds sad now, not like the cheerful brother I know. People change, he says.

I don't get it, I tell him. His face doesn't betray any other emotions.

You'll be okay, he tells me, but now he sounds a little unsure of himself. Suddenly he smiles. Race you to school, Faye! He laughs, his hand in his pocket and pulling out his ID card. Unfair, 'Nyx! I yell after him, but a big smile is spreading across my face. Hurry, Cheryn's waiting for you! He shouts over his shoulder.


I hesitate as I reach the metal gate, my hand resting on the lock, cool to the touch. All along the driveway are white cars and motorcycles, and I know enough about Dad's work to know that these vehicle models are government vehicles. Today is a rest day for the government officials, surely he wouldn't be having a meeting. He doesn't even hold meetings at our house so often. I turn, scanning the lane. A shiver runs down my spine, and I wish Onyx could have waited for me to leave school so I wouldn't be here alone. Also meaning...Onyx is home now. I swing open the lock and duck through the gate, kicking off my shoes as I enter the door. The first level is quiet, empty, but I hear noises coming from upstairs, so I clomp up the stairs towards the sound. I meet Dad at the second storey, his face stern, and my stomach drops. As I near him, however, his face breaks into a smile, but I can't help thinking that it looks fake. How's your day, dear? He asks, a trace of concern in his voice.

Onyx's voice echoes in my head. There's more to our parents than you think.

So I smile. It's great. Can I go out after school with Cheryn tomorrow? He nods. Sure. But for now, I need you to stay in your room, okay? Don't come out until I tell you to. No, Faye, I'm not punishing you, it's just that there's some government thing going on and people are going to be walking everywhere, I know you're 13, I know it's almost time for you to take on some of this responsibility, but I just don't want you, well, obstructing them, okay?

If he's lying, he's damned good at it. Okay. Where's Onyx? Is he in his room too? Dad's smile instantly disappears.

Go to your room now, Faye, he says, placing considerable emphasis on the word now. I freeze.

Where's Onyx?

Dad looks angry now. I said now, Faye. I take a look at his face, and nod. Okay. I'm sorry. Dad smiles, even faker than before, if that's even possible. I brush past him, taking the stairs two by two towards my room.

I sneak a look into Onyx's room as I pass. It's a mess, like a tornado passed through it and left a mess in its wake. The green walls are streaked with grey, green like Onyx's power. He's an Earth elemental, just got his power two weeks ago, and I'm so jealous. I can't wait for my fifteenth, I really hope I'll get a power. Maybe even become an Elemental. There's no sign of him as I walk into my room and slam the door closed.

It's been an hour where I start to hear what's going on.

Shouts. Screams. Yells. And I can recognize the voice of the boy I grew up with, recognize it all too well. They're doing something to him, and I'm not going to be able to do anything to protect him like he used to protect me. They're taking him away. The noise dies down gradually. I want to see what's going on, but my room faces the back of the house and I can't see the driveway. And Onyx's gone, just like that.


Faye, you can come out now. I get off my bed slowly, pulling the door open. Mom stands outside, her face a mask. You must be hungry. Come down, we're about to have dinner. We walk down the hall. Onyx's door is firmly closed. Mom looks at me, and puts an arm around my shoulders, but I shrug it off. I'm okay, Mom.

Dinner is unusually quiet, the spot opposite me empty. It's happened before, but it's different now that I know it's going to be empty from now on. Dad is smiling, Mom is laughing, but I can't talk, can barely even swallow my food.

I heard him leave, and I didn't do anything.

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