ֆɦɛ'ֆ ʟօֆᏆ

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Everyone knew not to drive on Rowland Drive in the winter , for the ice was thick and unfaltering , down the twisting , winding road to Edgewood Village . Rowland Drive was the at the edge of town and thick forest , only holding a sprawling stormy grey Victorian .It also held an old farm, but it was mostly forgotten . The mansion  peeked  from bare , orange ,yellow , and red trees in the fall . In the winter, a couple evergreens flourished , but there was always ice . No one drove on it , the road was known for the many car accidents taken place there .

Avery Naiave knew about the ice , having lived on Rowland Drive for 17 years . Avery knew the Jag was speeding too fast down the drive , Avery knew , but forgot . A lousy excuse for an unneeded death . They wouldn't let her remember .

Avery Naiave was the girl with tons of friends but only one best friend. She was the girl at the back of class. The pretty girl with a brain . And athletic skills that held her high hopes in the sky of opportunity . She had a hot boyfriend and every luxary in life . It had always been like that , luxary for time with her parents .Until she went crazy .Until she died .

The setting was the day after Christmas , fresh snow lay untouched on the ground , curtains were pulled and the happy Christmas decorations looked slumped and unhappy. Christmas was over , and people were moving on . The driveways and cul-de-saks were dotted with shiny Lexus' and Cadillacs , covered in a tiny layer of snow . A particular one on 7304 Rowland Drive still held a red bow on the hood , but the driver was anything but celebrating . Avery' s eyes were fogged with tears , streaming down her face  as she drove .She ignore  she shouldn't be driving , the shrinks declarmd her unstable to ride in a moving vehicle . She ignored the fact of the ice , she ignored she couldn't really see . She drove her emotions away , but they caught up .The anger , anguish , stress , depression , anticipation , simple forgetfulness tormented her as she lowered her foot on the gas .She sped past the voices , even they ,who promised her so much wouldn't go when she ordered . They used to, now their always in her head , whispering , plotting , coaxing .

In the passenger side lay her Louie Vuitton purse , and belting the chorus of  All About That Bass lay her iPhone . She didn't look at it , she couldn't . If she looked , she'd want to stay and that couldn't happen. She had to go , that's what the voices told her .They promised her than they would leave , forever . She could be herself again. They promised from then on everything would be OK , when nothing was  Ok in her life .She ignored the iPhone , and the voices cheered .

" Ave , this isn't funny . You need to come home , this isn't a joke ! Ave as your best friend , I beg you to come home . Avery Dawn Naiave , what are you running from ? You have  everything !" Klarissa piped from the purse . She stopped at the fork in the road and pulled her phone out . She  knew Klar would still be there .She won't understand ! Your crazy Lorelei ! Follow through and we'll leave you alone .She though .

" I'M NOT LORELEI !" She screamed between tears . They called her Lorelei , who was Lorelei? She calmed and answered all she could . Klar was screaming .

" Klar , it wasn't ment to be funny . I'm not running from .. I'm not running from you guys. I have some things I - I need to figure out . Klar , I don't have everything , I have nothing . Remember I love you 'kay ?'" She said quickly . Than resumed driving.She turned it off , the previous night she erased all her information on the iPhone , Facebook , Instagram , Twitter ..Everything that traced back to Avery was obliterated , because she hates being Avery . She hated everything about her , who she was  , What she stood for . The voices promised so much better , they swore where they were going she wouldn't have to be perfect .

No more Avery .

" Now where ?" She muttered , nearing the end of the winding road she'd been on millions of times . Well  Avery had .Before she could stop herself , the Jag swerved off the road and into forest , crashing her  car into a tree .

You probably think she's dead ; but she's not . At least , Avery' s dead .

In Avery' s last moments ,her head hurt . It felt like her head was ripped apart , and put back together . It was  a new head . She screamed , and stumbled out of the car. She couldn't go far , and stumbled into the snow . Her vision was black , and as she gave her last breath she held the necklace .

" You said  it would be fine Lorelei , why do you want to be me ? " She muttered . She heard a crunch of snow , and a soft bundle of hair tickled her ears .

" You had everything , but still you didn't appreciate it ! I gave you the world , but in the end , I always take back what I give . " The voice said . The necklace was ripped from her pale throat .

" I wonder who next Lorelei "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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