'sara! Wake up, sara!' I woke up, grace stood by the end of my bed. 'come on sara, you've been sleeping all day! You need to start getting ready for the dinner.' I looked at the clock beside me it was 4 pm. I slept for 8 hours straight, my sleeping patterns always seem to amaze me. I slumped out of bed and got into the shower to wake myself up. After a long half hour, I got my dress out of my wadrobe and removed the plastic covering. The dress was long, red, silky, and had amazing small diamonds scattered around the top. As much as I hated to admit it, it was amazing. I put the dress on, it made me look slim and it brought out my tanned skin. I liked it. I curled the ends of my long brown hair and put some blush and eye liner on. Now for the last touch, I put on red lipstick which made my teeth look really white and went with my dress. I checked the clock again, 6 pm. I put my favorite heels on and checked myself one last time in the mirror before making my way downstairs. 'your rides here!' Grace said turning around before gasping when she got a glimpse of me. 'HOLY CRAP SARA! YOU LOOK AMAZING!' I felt my cheeks flush red. 'thanks grace, have a good night tonight!' I said walking out the door, a smile spread across my face when I saw what my 'ride' was, a stretched black limosigne. This night wasn't going to be so bad after all. A man stood in a black suit holding my door open, 'good evening ma'am' he said as I hopped in and he closed the door behind me. Inside the limosogne I started to feel my nerves starting up. Why was tonight so fancy, with the black limo and the dress that would have to be atleast 20 thousand dollars. what was alex up to? My thoughts were interrupted when the limo came to a stop and the door was opened for me. I took a deep breathe and got out of the limo only to be shocked, there were girls everywhere screaming their heads off, what was going on! Security was everywhere pushing the girls back to make a pathway to the resturant stairs. I didn't waste time, I walked fastly up the stairs before the doors were opened for me, 'welcome miss ports.' Said one of the men openeing the door, I smiled sweetly at him. 'right this way' he said, guiding me to the room the dinner party was. I paused for a moment as I could hear all the teenage girls outside, i'm pretty sure I heard chanting 'one direction, one direction, one direction..'
*authors note* this was just a small chapter to begin, whose liking the fanfic so far? leave a comment! thanks xx