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All of the guys and girls have been training non stop lately, making sure that they remain fit and healthy. There has been a few injuries here and there but nothing major. Bucky hasn't spoke to me at all since we questioned him. When I spoke to Steve about it he said that Bucky told him he feels terrible for what he did and it's because of that, it's why he is t talking to me. I stay in my bedroom and watch tv when I hear a knock on the door, I'm hoping if I stay quiet they will leave me alone... of course that isn't the case. The knocking continues and I decide it's best to get up and check who is demanding my attention. I pull open the door to see Wanda stood outside with a smirk on her face, something must be up if she is here smirking at me. "What have I done now?" I laugh as I step aside and let her into my room, she sits down on the bed and looks at me, the smirk still on her face "Bucky and Steve were training earlier and they were talking about what Bucky missed while he was in his 'Winter Soldier' mode and the topic of you came up" she paused and fiddled with her hair before continuing "Steve told him about what he did to you and that he was a dick for doing it and then he said that you were special to him, so then Bucky said that he never meant to hurt you and when he shot you it was because he needed those who were watching to believe he was trying to kill you" I take a seat on the chair in the corner of the room and look out the window, not really knowing what to comment back "so then Steve said that he was out of order and Bucky said that if the circumstances were different and he met you in the street he would have come over and talked to you in hopes of asking you on a date.. get this, Steve said to Bucky that if he ever asked you out he'd have to deal with Steve. So then Bucky said he is a grown man and you are a grown woman who could make their own choices and that you might actually like being with him, and he said he was going to come up and ask you out" I couldn't help the gasp that left my mouth after hearing what she had to say, she nodded her head in excitement before continuing "it gets better... right after Bucky said that Steve ran at him and threw a punch, catching Bucky right in his jaw, so then Bucky hit Steve back and they begin to really fight- not just for training but they looked like they wanted to kill each other. I was sat in the corner observing them and decided to intervene and manage to stop them but they are both in a bad way.. Bucky is more hurt than Steve is" I look at Wanda and then to the floor before looking back at her "well shit, what do I do now? I mean Bucky was abusive to me and kidnapped me and tortured me but deep down I know that was the 'winter soldier' not Bucky and that I should forgive him but still... for Steve and him to be fighting over me no doubt is.. well it's intense." She looks at me and smiles awkwardly before getting up "oh and by the way, Bucky is in the medical room, he's asking to be treated" I sigh and look at the time, it reads 5:03pm, that means the other nurse should be here, "I'll call Tracy the other nurse to see if she can pop down and treat him" I can't really be arsed with dealing with him right now especially when I know the reason he was fighting was because of me. "There's no point, Tracy was in the room and seen him come in, so she went to get all the things and went to treat him but he told her no and that he specifically wanted you to do it, so she treated Steve and said that you were busy and he told her he would wait all night if he had to but, to quote him his exact words were 'don't fucking touch me unless you're Emma' so I was told to come and get you" oh for fuck said, I know it's my job to treat any of the avengers but even so.. when there is a perfectly good nurse who is there and willing to help you then I don't see what the problem is. "Ok no problem I'll get changed and come down" she nods her head and leaves my bedroom, I quickly change into a set of scrubs and tie my hair into a pontytail and make my way down to the meds room. When I get there I see Tracy who is just finishing up with Steve, further into the room I see Bucky sat on the bed, his head is hung low. "When you're finished with Steve you can go for the day, I've got it from here" I smile at Tracy and walk towards where Bucky is sat. "What injuries do you have so I can get everything I need?" I asked him so I could get this over with as quickly as possible, he looked up at me but didn't speak, I raised my eyebrows at him before looking at his face, a few cuts and bruises nothing major. I walk to the back of the room and begin to get everything I need together, I can hear Steve and Tracy leave meaning it is just me and Bucky in the room. I walk over to him and pull up a chair in front of him, I set everything out next to him and take a breath before dipping the towel into warm water to clean his cuts "this might sting but hold still" he lifts his head and looks directly at me, even though I'm trying my damn hardest to concentrate knowing he is looking at me is making me uncomfortable. I grab ahold of his hand as I start to clean his bloodied knuckles, he doesn't flinch but instead just watches me. I get a clean towel and stand up, making my way in between his legs so I can clean the cuts on his face. I raise my hand to start cleaning when his metal hand grabs ahold of my wrist, stopping me from touching him. It takes me by surprise and I jump, dropping the towel onto the floor as I stare up at him, part in fear but part in annoyance. "Let go of me" I spit, pulling my arm to try and release his grip from mine, "are you scared of me?" His voice is barely over a whisper and the fact that he spoke to me takes me completely by surprise. "That's a complicated question" I whisper back, not trusting the sound of my own voice. He lets go of my hand and I move away from him making my way towards the door, just as I'm about to reach it his hand shoots out and closes the door, my body spinning around to face him. I'm backed against the door as his hand slowly moves down my arm and takes ahold of my wrist again, the metal is a cool feeling against my hot skin. "Don't walk away from me" he spits, his eyes frantically moving over my face "why shouldn't I?" My voice begins to raise "you kidnapped me and did awful things to me, you touched me and hurt me, you're a monster" his body has now moved even closer to me, so much so that he is using his body to hold me against the door, both mine and his chest start heaving from our screaming match "me? How do you think I feel every time I see you? Those beautiful eyes looking at me with the look of disgust, your perfect body has been tainted by me and the worst part about it is there is nothing I can do to change that as it wasn't me!" He screams, my mind now a blur, "what? I... I don't think you're disgusting it's just.. it's hard to see you not as him" I try, his face a mere inch from mine, I don't really know what's going on and I don't know if I want it to stop either. He moves a strand of hair that has escaped my ponytail and moves it behind my ear, his fingers then trail down my neck, resting on my shoulder that has been exposed from the position I'm in. I don't know what is wrong with me but I move my hand up and run my finger over his stubble, my finger gently grazes his bottom lip and a soft sigh leaves his mouth, his eyes closing briefly. "Em... I- we" he gets cut off as my finger covers his mouth, me shushing him. His tongue moves out of his mouth to wet his lips but catches my finger in the process, as wrong as it is, it still sends a deep chill down my body, and when our lips meet it only takes a split second before I feel his lips on mine.

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