It all started in October 2 2013 . But before I start the story on my Xbox 360 clan I'm going to tell you about the clans I was in. I was in a clan called KSI I was also in FaZe , Rust, Ghost, and also awkward . The last clan I was in was called Ghost but when I was in the clan I thought about creating my own clan and the clan leader supported me with my desition so I desided to creat my own clan. The first clan I made is called Focus . I ended up giving it away and over time I recreated another clan. This was the making of FoRS it took 1 whole week to desighn and name and deside what was going to happen in the clan. Over time when it was officially released to pub it was a hit for a small time . The leaders co leaders and also the recruiters also have to change there gamer tag but the backups and recruits don't have to change there gamer tag. Current members top leaders FoRS Elite the creator top leader FORS Echo the one who helped me name and also helped me make the clan. Co leader FoRS wade co leader FoRS Focus. Then later on I created a program called the partnership program wich is when two or more clans teem up together and got each others back. Partner clans - Ghost-EOK-TKC-KSI-FaZe. There is a lot I have to cover . But I'm not doing it all today but there will be chapters and extended books on this clan.