- i wish i knew how to make good covers for my books

11 1 26



cute girl from my class: h-

me: *gay panic*


things i should finish listen to:

- next to normal

- alice isnt dead

- 36 questions

- dreamboy


i love you!!!!


friend: i think i suffer from depression

me, who already knew and was trying not to feel bad about it and who is in tears because she wants her friends to be happy: ,,o-oh


why cant people just be nice to each other


friend: u dont have any talent lol


me: do u really think i didnt know that


oh fuck my friends are arguing


one of them just said "at least im not like you, i dont say stupid things like "it will get better", "im here for you", "dont worry about it", i say the truth! and the truth is that no one cares and you should stop whining!"

that really hit me hard


mw: *explains why something makes me feel better*


friend: thats so dumb


fuck im xrying


"you should stop being so depressed, its annoyinh"


pleasw say something nice about ms


im going to draw now bye

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