Those Girls

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Girl: OMG I feel so fat I ate a slice of toast this morning

You: Rolls eyes. Oh my fucking God, you are like what 80-90 pounds and your saying your fat, I weigh 125 and some of friends are jealous of my shape.

Girl: But you don't get it, I am fat.

You: Shut the hell up your skinny and maybe if you ate, you might have boobs or a butt

Girl: Oh my god why are being so rude.

You: So I can get it the thought threw you thick skull. Your'r skinny as hell and it's the truth.

Girl: Just shut up, you know you don't like know everything.

You: Yah I know, but you are stupid as hell because your super pretty so just the hell up and stop making pity excuses to call yourself fat and take a true look in the mirror then eat some food. Then you just walk away and thinks about her stupidity

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