Chased Away

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I'm just getting back from a unsuccessful hour of hunting when I see that my dad and my mom are headed my way. I just stopped and waited for them to get here at my position. Once my dad gets to me he says I and your mom are tiered of you so as of now you're going to be exiled from here you have two hours to get your few things then you have to get out and not come back. Fine I'm gone give my stuff to my bitch of a sister bye. I turned around and head to a cave I have near by. When I get there I just get everything settled then I head out on a hunting trip. I really wish I could just relax for once I say as I am sure I'm alone but then I hear a why can't you just relax hmmmm? I am not sure who was talking as I cannot see or even smell anything or anybody. Who's there I am warming you I will kill if you don't come out. I see a lone honey badger step out of a nearby bush. I don't want any trouble I just need to see if I can help. Hmmm I could use a little food I haven't eaten in about three days. Oh how come don't your dad and mom feed you. Of coarse not my dad hates me and my mom loathes me. Hmmm I have a hard time believing that. Oh yeah dose a loving family exile their 6 month old boy too live on his own and expect him to get all his own food all his own water and all his own security. Hmmm I guess not I just can't see that they are truly that way from what I see before me. Okay then let's test that theory then. I lifted my head and roared the call that most mothers can't resist and I just sit and wait. I waited and waited and waited until the silence was deepened by the moon rising. See it's been long enough that my mom should be here if she cared for me. Hmmm how far away are they? About three miles away from here bet a lion cub can call from up-to a few hundred yards away and still be heard. I am aware of that lion cub. I'm sorry I don't appreciate you calling me lion cub it's Kion. Oh sorry I'm bunga why don't I help you catch some dinner tonight then tomorrow we can go get you better settled in. Hmmm I am pretty hungry and I suck at creeping up on prey I never learned how to hunt so yeah. Great how about I get you some antelope and what would you say if it were a foal. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth so to speak I would take lion meat at this point. Hmmm I don't have any lion meat but I do have a foal antelope I took down back in the bushes I think I can share it if you're really that hungry. Oh I am listen I pulled his head down close to my stomach so he could hear the growing of it. He notices how close to my penis he is so he then lashed out his younger and playfully licked my penis. I just can't get it through my head what just happened so I say what the heck dude I'm not sure why you would lick me there but I'm not sure I have a problem with it. Hmmm I like lion cub meat I think I'm going to try tasting the creamy filling of that sausage. I just started processing when he takes me back to the kill feeds me the lays me back on my back I started to get scared thinking he might try to kill me or something but was surprised when he takes my penis in his paw and played with it. I just can't get enough so I say I'm sorry but that paw is nothing can you give me something else to rub there. He smirked and buried my penis in his mouth. Oh bunga that's so much better than that silly little paw I moaned.  I started to really enjoy this so I started purring and he smirks and increased his sucking power and started licking my penis as well oh bunga I'm so fucking close.  He upon hearing that changes positions and sits on my penis as he sits on me I started to fuck him in the ass. Oh Kion I can't believe how good you are at this at our age.  I have had lots of experience being fucked in the ass and being forced to fuck a female.  Oh who? My dad and sister. Oh okay then I wonder if you could let me see just how stretched out you are. I'm not stretched out do to he never gets a true erection cause he's not gay but I am witch is why he forces me to breed my sister in hopes I might go straight.  Hmmm I don't think it works like that. Of course it doesn't. But my dad hopped that if I got to experience it enough that I'd decide I like pussy more than a dick. Just then I hit my boiling point and released into his ass.  Oh Kion please let me have a turn. Pushed him off and got on my feet ass towards him and the wiggle my hips back and forth teasing him with my asshole.  He just looked at it then said I want the other end first Kion I turned around and put his penis in my mouth and started sucking him hard.  Oh Kion that's great keep going. I sucked him hard until he said give me that so called tight asshole.  I obliged him and he said oh wow you really are still tight it feels great.  I'm not a virgin but I'm still tight like one.  Yeah you really are.  I just thought of something bunga do you have any place to stay for a home. Hmmm nope why? Well I have a cave nearby and I thought it might be a little homier if I had a den mate.   Sure Kion I can be your den mate hell I'd even be your mate.  I just got a mate and a den mate hmmmmm I think I like this arrangement.  I get up and started to go home to my cave when a voice I knew all to well came from the bushes and said Kion it's time for you to give me my prize.  Fuck that princess I was exiled this morning so go fuck your own pussy. I can't you know that okay then here's a tip go find a male who actually wants to fuck you cause I will never want to fuck you nor did I ever want you or your ugly fucking bitch hole.  I am gay and no amount of forced sex will change that and tell dad if he ever wants a good screw to come find me and I'll hook him up.  Same with mothers fat used pussy.   I am still getting a lot of my chest when I hear my mother come storming over and say you little ungrateful bastard I'll have you know my vagina is in the state it's in because of birthing you and you twin brother.  I'm not going to stand by and let you trash talk this family it's clear now that there is no getting through to you so you leave me and your dad no choice you are to remain outside of the pride lands and fend for yourself for good I am afraid I cannot put up with such disrespect. I just stair her right in the face and said fuck you fuck dad and fuck princess know it all of and I will be back one day to claim my place and end this abuse once and for all. When the pride lands need me on that day I will return to avenge my self and all who suffer under you and dad then maybe dad can see what it's like to be rapped.  I doubt that you'll get the chance runt your father and I are loved by all.  Not for much longer I'd wager.  What the hell do you mean. Open your def as fuck ears and listen to the heards and you'll see.  Get out of the pride lands now maybe you be better off at the tree of life.  I don't give a fuck where you exiled me to I will return upon the day the pride lands need me.  I don't think you realize that the pride lands will never need you or want you so get out or I'll force you out.  I just got up whent and got the few provisions I had and turned to bunga you can stay here if you want I'm leaving. I'm not going to stay if you're not. I can't stay my parents just exiled me to the tree of life I don't want you to go alone. Yeah we'll all go. I looked around and see a Group of five pride landers gathering around me. I just looked at them all snd said it's not going to be an easy road and I suck at catching food so I'm not going to be able to provide much sustenance. It's fine Kion we'll help you get the food we'll all need and I can help you find the tree of life I can fly over head and see if I can guide us.  My parents will be furious if they find out you turned and joined me.  I don't care Kion we all accept the risks now let's go.  Okay but don't say I didn't warn you. I just can't look at them as we headed for the boarder of the pride lands. We get there without incident but as we are ready to Cross the boarder a hippo comes over with a ton of food and supplies. I am coming too and I gathered all the stuff I could for us to live off of. I am speechless so I just nod and head over the boarder but no sooner than I got across did I get tackled to the ground by a lioness who are you and where are you going.  I am Kion son of simba but my dad doesn't want me around anymore so I'm being exiled and they suggested I head to the tree of life and my company are just a ragtag team of my friends. We mwan no harm or danger we just need some where to call home. I'm sorry Kion but I was just doing my job as princess and commander of the night pride. I understand that um I would really like to know your name miss if it's not to much trouble for me to ask.  I'm  Rani I'm the princess of the tree of life and I'm afraid I cannot allow you or your companions to roam around by yourself you will end up hopelessly lost and starve.  I will take you to my mom and my dad and they will decide weather you can stay or if you have to go.  I am headed back anyway so just follow me.  I am right behind her so close I can smell she's in heat. I speed up a bit and asked hey you wouldn't happen to be seeing any one would you? No why well I've never been one to be into girls but that's because the only female I was permitted to be around was my older sister. But I am still into boys to but something about you is just going to drive me way up the happy scale.  She stubbles as I said that I quickly catch her and she blushed and says thanks I am just not used to a guy hitting on me like you are usually I get comments like hey baby you me and the bed how about it. Or hey sexy bring that ass over here.  Hmmm I am not like that but I will admit you're scent is hard for me to ignore.  She then tucked her tail and laid her ears back ready to fight. Whoa easy I'm not going to do anything until permission is granted I just am saying I like the way you smell.  Oh okay then I'll try to get so I'm not so defensive around you but you don't know what it's like to spend every day and night in heat I never come of of heat I just have to keep my guard up twenty four hours seven days a week and 365 days a year. Wow I am so sorry but maybe I could be an escort of sorts to keep the horny males off you? You'll have to ask my dad and mom I cannot give myself to any one to protect or to mate without their approval.  I smiled and said I don't think it will be a problem especially when I tell them I have no interest in claiming you at the present time till I've been given permission.  I'm not sure you'll want to start off discussing me and my virginity.  I am the pride and joy of both my parents and they are very protective and usually try to strangle anybody who brings up the possibility of mating me.  Hmmm I see well maybe another time I can see how they would feel about it.  I am the only one they would permit to speak of me losing my virginity.  Hmmm well I'm here if you decide to let me however I am not a virgin due to my father fucking my ass and forcing me to fuck my sisters womanhood.  Uhhhhhgh I am not sure I would like to have a lion who pleases his own family.  I told you I didn't want to but my dad is of the opinion that if I experience a vagina enough that I might turn completely straight. Oh okay so you didn't just tap that to get so action then. No if all I was trying to do was get action I would have just masturbated. But dad told me if you ever want me to love you then you will submit to me and you will fuck your sister.  So you truly thought that maybe this will get my father to love me. Yeah because that's what he always said if I would object to be butt fucked or forced to breed my sister. I see well maybe you can find a loving family here. Hope so although I hope I've already found one new playmate or a least a loving companion I'll see what my parents say about you staying then if all goes well we can ask if I can be free to  be with you. Hmmm okay is there anything I need to do to prove my self so I can be prepared. You may want to brush up on fighting and possibly the hunt but don't worry daddy hardly ever asks me males to hunt to prove them selves. Good because I'm not able to do hunting I never learned how yet. I said that as I rub the back of my head. She looks at me and says well that explains why your so thin I can see some of you're bones.yeah my parents basically just gave me a place to lay my head at night and I had to take care of the rest from the time I could walk til today.  Oh wow how did you survive?  I survived on pity feedings and pity killing.  What's pity killing it was where a single antelope would see how desperate I was for food and just lie down neck exposed for the kill.  I see and a pity feeding? It was where a momma animal would see me crying from hunger pangs and allow me to suckle milk and then have my fill.  Oh so you have tried other animals milk? Yes I have but only when it was necessary.  How does say a antelope compare to a lion? I don't really remember what my mothers milk tasted like I haven't had it for most of my cub-hood I only had it til I got my teeth and could chew and even if I didn't get anything I was never permitted to nurse. Then one day her milk ran dry and I wouldn't have it ever.  Oh well I guess I'll just have to imagine the comparison.  Well maybe not if you want to know I can tell you what antelope milk tasted like. Oh can you. Yeah I can it was more of a sweet flavor and had undertones of meat from the mothers tit. Oh well I guess I'll never get the chance to try it though. Nonsense if you have a pregnant or nursing mother antelope you just leave it to me. Hmmm I do know of one antelope who's just a few days from popping maybe she can spare some milk for a practically starved lion cub.  I will see.  I am just about to ask where the antelope is when she came over to us and said I heard you talking and I believe I can spare milk for you but I don't want you to go hungry latter so take whatever you can get from each tit. I just can't believe my luck I quickly suckled what I could eat and gathered the rest into baby bottles I had flung over my shoulder I got enough for sixteen feedings. I just can't believe that I got so much. I quickly thank her then put the bottles in a safe carrying possession so the don't leak then I proceeded with our journey and just as we were getting tired Rani stopped us and said I'm afraid you must wait here wile I go get my parents to meet you. Okay Rani be safe. I will be. Back as soon as I can.  She heads off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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