Haunted hospital

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Jess's pov
We just pulled up near the abandoned hospital waiting for Omar, this is my first time actually going to an abandoned place with my brother so this should be interesting
"You nervous?" Mo asked me "yeah a little" I replied with a nervous laugh "hey it'll be fine, I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you, you know that" he reassured me while rubbing my shoulder
"Yeah I know but it's like the fear of not knowing what's gonna happen" I said looking out the window where I could see absolutely nothing 😂

"Yeah I get that a lot, but I promise everything will be good" he said texting Omar to see where he is
A few minutes passed and we saw Omar's car pull up, we got out of the car and headed toward his "hey dude, how are you?" Mo and Omar said to each other "how you feeling Jess?" Omar asked "just a bit nervous but I'll be good" I replied "yeah you will" Omar said while hugging me "so what we waiting for let's go!" Mo said sounding exited while I was fearing for the worse

We walked through a lot of tall grass and I kept freaking myself out thinking trees were very tall humans lol, we finally made it to the abandoned hospital and that's when the nerves really kicked in, it was in really rough conditions the windows were all smashed in, there was bricks missing the doors were coming off the hinges, everything was all overgrown, there was graffiti everywhere, I looked around the outside of the hospital, you know just investigating a little bit, so far so good nothings really happened so far

Until mo decided to play a little prank on me I was looking at the side of the hospital and taking a few pictures when he snuck up behind me and scared the living poop out of me, I fell to the floor and almost started crying, "omg I'm sorry" mo said still laughing and helped me up "that was not funny" I said trying not to laugh "oh it was" I heard Omar's voice In the distance
"Cmon let's go in" mo said now that sentence right there was enough to get my heart racing, I hesitated a little bit before deciding to hold on to my brothers arm "you're good, you're good" he said putting his arm around me, we went in and it was pretty dangerous there was glass everywhere broken window ledges and frames, but for some reason I didn't really feel scared I let go of mo's arm and went searching only the bottom floor and only a little bit I went half way down a corridor when I heard a loud bang which I later found out was a door, that was it for me lol, I ran as fast as I could back to mo, "did you hear that" I said hyperventilating "I did" Omar relied "wait that wasn't you?" mo asked "no dude that wasn't me, if it was me why would I run back so fast?" I said slowly calming down "ok we'll explore a little more then we'll go ok?" Mo asked I just nodded we headed to what looked like a hospital room it had 3 beds in that were all destroyed we filmed and took a few pictures of that before we heard another huge bang and it started getting closer

We ran out of there as fast as we could, I was crying all the way, we made it back to the car I was still crying and hyperventilating I was on the urge of a panic attack "what was that!" Mo yelled witch really only made it worse, for some reason he didn't see I was freaking out he was in shock himself, he looked over at me and automatically put his arms around me pulling me into a tight hug, I buried my face into his chest and tried to calm down "hey, hey it's ok now, we're out you're fine" he whispered while wiping my tears "cmon let's go home, todays been too eventful to say the least" mo said and we headed home

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