Fuck sleep

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     I opened my eyes, looking over at my bedside table. I squinted my eyes, looking at the glowing red numbers of my alarm clock. The numbers read "4:30". I had to officially get up in about two hours. I quietly slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

     As I walked in, I turned to look at the mirror. All I could notice was the bed head that had accumulated from tossing and turning all night. I can't believe that I had dreamt about her...  I hadn't thought about her in over two years. Which leaves the question; why now?

     Her sudden absence was the most wrenching part of middle school. She was gone, and there was no one left to care for me the way she did. I've gone to the same school for five years, and the kids there STILL won't quit the constant torment.

     I stepped out of my bathroom and over to my window, letting my eyes soak up the moonlight. The sudden rays filling me with a sence of sadness, she was all i had and she left.

*Erin's P.O.V

Five years, i haven't been to this house in five years. Wtf was i doing back? I opened the door to my old room. Seeing the dust bunnies that were compiling. My bed was still the same. Blue with frilly pillows and blankets. I ran to jump on the bed but ended up tripping over a box.
When i went to pick it up i noticed pictures spilling out of it. Those photos were of me and ally. U hope she's still here. I miss her so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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