| Chapter 41 : The Last One Standing |

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{Does anyone have an actual book recommendations?}


A spark of light maybe.. or maybe not, maybe I had just imagined it, they shadows swirling around em cutting into me as if they had planned to kill me slowly by a 1000 cuts.

But that spark.. it was there again but not from my vision.. from my head.

I growled again as loud as I could raising my head as I would when I showed off my high position and just then.

By that growl one came in return just as powerful as mine and my eyes widened glowing brighter as I felt myself react to it but not being able to get toward the sound for that I had to protect my pups.

There it was again and it caused something inside of me. It started a fire inside me. I was burning looking at a specific spot at the shadows. They stopped cutting me as if they were shocked themselves and it slowly got brighter and brighter.

Then chanyeol appeard jumping through the shadows to land in front of me.
His eyes glowing dangerously red as he turned around to show me his teeth snarling at the shadows that backed up for now a little. Not only staring at chanyeol as they got down shifting into their more stable form as they now looked similar to an army or zombies.

To say I was shocked wasnt entirely true. I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or if this was real. It was just for a little before he looked at me again and his eyes ended up flickering back to a golden yellow.

Sehun limped closer stepping beside me behind chanyeol as he shifted back to his human self.  He was bruised up but he smiled at me almost reliefed.

,, he came " he spoke out proudly looking behind me and it was then when I turned around and suddenly saw an army of wolfs and hunters and even a few demons standing not too far away from us.

Hyunsik walking before them all, my eyes shifted looking between most of which I could, making me stare in shock when I spotted my parents under the wolves, my parents pack and their children's packs aswell as alios lazily walking by them with a couple of friends behind them. Dozens of hunters wearing their deathly glare and.. kris standing by alios.

I shifted back to human staring still in shock but we didnt have much time to talk or let this moment sink in more as the shadows wouldn't wait any longer releasing their high pitched screams as half of them shape shifted again starting to run and attack but so did our side.

hunters teamed up running forward and jumping on wolves back to reach higher out. Swords where swing growls appeard arrows where shot and the ground got shaken and thrown around.

In all this mess hyunsik ran toward us crushing sehun ofcorse as first in a hug
Cupping his face with a frown as it was so dirty and bruised, while chanyeol still fought the few that were still hanging on us off and I defended the basket with me

,, guys !" I finally interrupted the 2 fuming over each other as we got a little space free from all the shadows.
,, my kids ! My pups they're..  I need to get them safe !"

Hyunsik and sehun will take them away from the battle for now ! Go inside and help baek and kyungsoo! Chanyeol ordered and if the situation wasnt this urgent I would've argued with him for ordering me around. Even if he turned out to be...

Sehun shifted back to wolf shaking himself as hyunsik picked the basket up and got onto sehuns back right before sehun ran off speeding away.

I watched proudly as chanyeol beat one after another rof the shadows not only as wolf but also as .. half elf.
The ground moved with his movements and it aalmos looked as if nature was helping him. I always knew there was something about him that made him stood out.. this happening hadn't surprised me as much as it had made me proud. I would've looked more than just this splitt second but I didnt have time.

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