Hentai is not anime

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I was in the class I have to aid for and these kids told ,e about a cool anime.It was (you guessed it) Hentai!I was clouded with excitement and was ready to dive right into this new anime.The guys start laughing, saying their on season 4, waiting for 5.I thought 'Wow!It's going to entertain me for a long time!'Then they show it to me....

Oh jeez....

I glanced at it and saw Deku shirtless and that's all I needed to see.I forgot most of it and quickly realized....Hentai is not anime...I was actually thankful for my terrible memory and only remember Deku's back.

Moral of the story?

Well, Hentai is not an anime

Oh, and never listen to guys when their laughing their bottoms off 

Never a good combo-

So yeah

Hope you enjoyed my...experience...with guys

Stay hydrationed kids-

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