Laser Tag (Jeff x BEN)&(EJ x Toby)

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BEN's POV:Laser tag.I fucking LOVE laser tag. If you've never played it, you're in a room lit by only black lights, neon colors shining as you work with your team to get as many 'kills' as possible. Each player gets a vest and a laser gun. The vest has different lights on it. Shoot one, the person's lights go out for a few seconds and they can't shoot. When they come back on they can shoot again.

Anyway, Toby had the brilliant idea of taking us to a laser tag arena for a guys' night out; never have I ever been prouder of another human being. We get to the place (Me, Jeff, EJ, and Toby) and we basically gravitate to the to the doors. Sadly, we had to wait like 15 minutes to get in, but that's okay. The arena had some arcade games we could use. While EJ and Toby went to pay and get us wrist bands, Jeff and I took over the claw games. I, being the master of all games, won a pikachu, a minecraft creeper head, and a black cat plushie. Finally, EJ and Toby came with the bands and we were set to get in for the next match.

We get in, and race to get our vests, trying to get on the same team. Toby and I managed to be together on the red team, but Jeff and EJ were on the blue team. After everyone was ready, an employee gave us the rules and explained the game to the new players.


All twenty players bolted into the arena, claiming bases and seeking cover. "You know what would be funny?" Toby asked. "Hm?" "We target Jack and Jeff, it'll really piss 'em off." We smirked at eachother, and set out searching for our victims. Toby must have found Jack pretty quick, and got killed. I'm just judging that off the fact I heard him scream like Sally. I stayed low, Jeff was the kind to run around like a lunatic killing everyone in sight. Eventually, I did find him. I hid in a corner behind a wall to plan my shot, however, when I turned to shoot, something stopped me.

Jeff's POV:

So...the elf boy thinks he slick? Nah bitch. Luckily for me, the guy cornered himself. He clearly didn't expect me to know where he was. "Hey Benny boy~" I purr. Even in the oddly lit room, I could swear I saw a blush appear on his face. "H-Hey...uhhh..." He fiddled with his gun. "Trying to ambush?" I ask, "Cute~" "W-What?" I smirk before pinning him against the wall, his hands abouve his head. I licked my lips in a teasing manner before kissing him. It took a second or two before he started kissing back, but that's alright. I pull away just as things were about to get heated, something I knew he hated.I spin my gun before shooting his chest piece. After that, I just walk away; leaving him a blushing, confused mess."Y-you...ASSHOLE!" He calls. I laugh, blow him a kiss then continue with the game.


Toby's POV:

Alright I'm not going to lie, Jack scared the fuck outta me. He douche was laughing his ass off while I was trying to calm down for my near-death experience. That's...when I break one of the rules; 'No horseplay'. I lunge at the eyeless bitch and tackle him the the ground. He gasps in surprise as we hit the ground. We wrestle for a good five minutes before we somehow ended against the wall, him straddling me and pinning my shoulders to the wall. I grip his forearms, trying to pry him off of me before a 'problem' arises from our current position. 

The bastard leans in closer to me, his 'sweetest' smile plastered on his face. "Hey~" "Hey." I reply trying to hide the fact I was enjoying this. "This took a turn for the better," he smiled, "almost as if we planned it out~" I felt the heat rise to my face as he began whispering things to me in WAY too seductive of a voice for me to not get a boner with. 

I couldn't take it anymore and pulled him in for a kiss, which he gladly returned. 


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him. I'll let you in on a secret, Jeff and I almost instantly came up with the idea to get them hot and then shoot them. Cruel yes, but funny non the less. As planned, Toby was wanting more and my gun was in arms reach. Without him realizing, I reached for it. I was able to grab it before our kiss broke and he caught a glance at what I was doing.

"What'er you--"

I pull the trigger. "Pew-Pew~" I sing before quickly standing up and heading off before he had a chance to re-gain his composure. It took roughly 10 seconds for him to yell at me then chase after me. We spent the rest of the game only aiming at each other. Time well fucking spent. I eventually ran into Jeff again and we started to die laughing at the fact they actually fell for it, and the fact they also tried to tag-team us. "Great minds think alike, I guess." I nod.

Then they shot us. Well, back to square one is it. 


I'M BACK AGAIN!!! I know, I take forever to make new parts but I'm a lazy piece of shit and need to actually make some sort of schedule. Used the prompt in the pic above. See y'all next time!


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