The WORST day..

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America walked out of his math class and let out an annoyed sigh. No, he was more than annoyed. He was ready to throw that jerk into a wall. Basically what happened was, he was paired up with someone he HATED. Ok, hate's a strong word, maybe dispaised was a better word. Russia was the kind of guy everyone disliked, he was rude, intimidating, and bossy. You didn't mess with Russia. Well, most people didn't.


'can this day get ANY worse?' America thought as a door hit him in the face on the way out of the school building. No one blinked an eye as he stammered back and caught himself before he fell. America sighed as he walked out of the school. His earlier question was quickly answered as he walked out of the building to see Russia standing outside, staring at him. 'Oh crap, what did I do now'  America thought as he walked forward. He hoped Russia wouldn't take any notice of him, but as soon as he walked by Russia pulled him aside. 
"What the hell?!" America exclaimed as he landed on his feet.

Russia just sighed. "The project, idiot. We have to work on it it's due next week."

"Riiiiiight" he said dodgingly, not wanting to do the project nor hangout with his enemy.

"Whos house should we go to?"

 "Not mine. My dad hates your family. More than I do."                                                                                        

  Russia rolls his eyes and continues, "Fine. We can go to mine. I don't think my dad will mind to much."                                                                                                                                                                                        

America and Russia walked to Russia's house not saying a thing. When they had finally reached his front door, Russia simply opened the door and walked inside. Russia's father didn't look up as he greeted him, "Привет Россия, добро пожаловать домой. Как дела в школе?" (Used google translate so it's probably wrong)

America just stood there confused, he didn't know Russian. Russia proceeded to reply in russian, "Хороший. У меня есть математический проект, поэтому я привел своего партнера домой."

The Ussr looked up and saw America. His look soured but he didn't say anything, he just looked back down at the newspaper he was reading.

"Right, let's just go to my room" Russia muttered, leading the way

For the next hour, America and Russia just worked on the project while saying as little words as possible. Neither of them wanted to speak to each other, but they both wanted a good grade enough to put up with it.

After America and Russia left Russia's room, America muttered a 'see ya' to Russia and left. He spent the next 30 minutes walking back to his house. America had always enjoyed walking be himself, alone with his thoughts. When he reached his house, however, the silence was soon broken. 

As soon as America walked in the house his father ran to the door. 

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" The UK yelled.

"Doing a math project" America replied.

"Doing a project"


"In math"

America realized how weird that sounded. "uh.. Yeah."

The UK just gave him a, 'Yeah sure, ok' look before continuing, "Ok then. Who was your partner?"

'Crap' "Russia..."


The sheer hatred and disgust in his voice surprised America, "I said Russia is my partner, dad."


"Dad- the teacher assigned us our partners."

"SAY 'NO'"


The UK sighed. "Fine... I still don't like it though.."

"I never asked you to" America muttered, walking to his room.

Oof thanks for reading. btw my words are in bold so It's easier to see when I'm talking :3
My updates will be kinda slow because I have school, but I'll try to update this as much as I can!

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