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Dan's P.O.V:

I decide to get out of my room and go for a little walk down to the bookstore in town as I love to sit in their for long periods and just take everything in.As it stands, I am a kid of a few friends.I am not a loner but yet not very popular either.I have just recently started year ten and so far it has been a lot better than last year, ooh, god, to remember what happened then, I would rather not do that.I can not stop thinking of that week...., but, I am trying my hardest to forget all of that for right now.I am pretty tall 5"9 as of my last height check, and I am sure to grow taller.It is only Thursday but It feels like the weekend is here already waiting to tear me from my friends.My friends like to call me Danny boy as a joke to which I am not impressed,but I go with it as it is just a joke. 

I end up in front of the bookstore eventually and go inside. I slowly walk down a few isles until I find myself at the table in the back that I enjoy sitting at with a book in hand.I see an old lady sit down next to me after a minute or two and watch as she pulls out some string, I assume it is for some sort of knitting but I couldn't care less as I am already lost in my book again. I sit there for quite a while, or at least it feels like it, reading until I feel the table move, I think it must be the lady so I pay it no mind.As I sit there lost in my story she continues to unravel the string from its ball and as she is knitting it all together I start to become interested as I have this sudden urge to yank it.I do not want to mess up all of her work but I can't help myself, so I instead go for a string that seems yet to be completely woven in.I start to get closer but as soon as I pull it, I hear a slightly silent, "ow,".

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