A/N and Prologue

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This may contain smut, and fowl language. Recommended 13+ read at you own risk!

This is an original idea. Its Copyright. Hope you enjoy the story, love you all bunches!!! <3 


*3 Years Ago* 

Michael's POV. 

It was finally our day off from the recording studio, and concerts. I laid on my bunk, headphones in. I was scrolling through Youtube trying to find something interest to watch. "Pie To The Face?!?!" A title read. I shrugged clicking on it. 4 girls sat in front of a camera. On my screen, smiling. "Hey wazzup loves?! It's Hannah here, and this video is gonna be better than your week!!! Actually it probably won't.. Oh! And I have a special announcement at the end!" A girl with white hair said. A bandana wrapped around her head. I smiled, and got comfortable. Hours later I had subscribed to the girl on youtuber known as "LovingxLifexAndxGettingxHigh". Pretty cool name. There was 3 other girls that had been in her videos often. I'd figured out the one was her sister. Dannie. And then the other two Macy and Katrina. They were her friends, they also had youtube channels. "MICHAEL!" I heard someone yell. I sighed and pulled out my headphones, and walking towards the noise. I saw Luke and Calum 'sword fighting' with spatulas "You two are childish." I commented and left...

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