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KIM YERIM, the youngest among the kims was always seen as the trouble maker, she's not entirely a mean child she is mischievous rather.

when she was a child the first time she was seen as a trouble maker was during summer when she was seven. she was playing with her eldest brother, taehyung and cousin mingyu at the kim's farm. the three were playing hide and seek and little yerim hid at the stables. when mingyu, the seeker couldn't find her, she decided to just show herself but she mistakenly opened the wrong door making one of the horses escape.

after that she received an earful of scolding from her parents as well as her relatives but her grandfather just laughed and said that it was fine. after that incident she was labeled as the favorite grandchild (of course out of envy) and a troublemaker

now the 16 year old yerim was quiet, not too quiet but she often save her thoughts for herself and she seldom gets in trouble obviously trying to remove the brand her family gave her.

the kim family is currently having a family dinner today was a celebration for yerim's sister jennie, who is now the brand ambassador of a popular brand of clothing. but even if she is happy for her elder sister, yerim just couldn't help but feel bored with this. sitting on a long table with her relatives either talking about business or future endeavors, she just finds it boring.

yerim is sitting beside her older brother jungwoo who was obviously pretending to be listening to the rambles of their relatives. it made yerim roll her eyes, her brother jungwoo was quiet ever since they were little, but he is sometimes the reason for the mischief of yerim. he was always perceived as someone who is innocent, someone who wouldn't do anything wrong and could not harm anyone but of course that was a lie. they were the three musketeers yerim, mingyu and taehyung while jungwoo is their d'artagnan. the three were always caught in mischief during their childhood and jungwoo was the mastermind of it all.

with one last glance to her brother yerim tore her eyes away from him and looked at the view from the window (she was sited by the window, much to her delight) this is boring yerim thought, as she played with the rim of her wine glass and sighed.

jungwoo excused himself saying he will go to the washroom and upon seeing her brother stand up yerim found it as an opportunity to escape and just as she was about to leave one of her cousins sat beside her just by the smell yerim immediately knew who he was which made her smile a little, he slung one arm at her chair and a lopsided smile was plastered on his face and a familiar glint of mischief could be seen in his eyes

"rim, you look so bored" a deep teasing voice said, she looked up smirking, and there was kim mingyu with a smile that shows his canines and his tan skin glowing because of the light. his hair was styled formally, way too formal for him but it suited him anyway.

"gyu you know i hate this" she replied as she continued playing with her wine glass a small chuckle left mingyu's mouth. ah little yerim is always bored he thought it made him shake his head. this reminded him of yerim as a child, always getting bored of fancy parties resorting to them playing outside of the mansion just by the garden, good times mingyu thought.

"it gets even more boring as years pass" she added a very obvious pout was making its way to her face and upon noticing this mingyu lifted her chin. it was an unsaid oath made by him to keep yerim happy, after all she was one of the few people who didn't judge nor questioned him. he smirked at her and yerim knows this smirk very well, it was the smirk he wears when he thinks of something stupid that could potentially lead them to trouble when they were children, stupid things yet it never fails to make yerim happy.

"wanna go somewhere else then" he asked slyly which made yerim smirk a little as well.

"gyu, you really are my favorite cousin" yerim said which earned a chuckle from the tall male.

"i figured you will say that" he teased earning a scoff from the small female

they stood up saying they will just go out to get some fresh air and left the restaurant's vip room, as they step outside and onto the parking lot yerim saw her eldest brother taehyung who was stepping out of his car (obviously late as always) with a pretty female yerim could remember as her senior, bae joohyun who graduated with flying colors and a legacy of not only being pretty but also having a brain but was cold as ice. it was also not a secret that taehyung pursued her for almost two years. yerim could still remember those sleepless nights her brother spent just to make his surprise for joohyun perfect and his persistence earned him something so worth it he knew, he wouldn't let it go, and that was joohyun.

yerim grabbed mingyu's hand and tried to walk faster to his car, they are both doomed if taehyung sees them why? because he couldn't suffer on his own with this family dinner, he has to bring the two with him because as he always say when they were children, 'my suffering is your suffering' that was when the three double dared each other on halloween to eat all their candy and the fastest could order the two who lost anything, but that ended with them throwing up afterwards (and a lot of scolding from their parents)

the two went to one of the famous bar in seoul which is Moonstone it is actually exclusive for elites only. no wonder why the line outside is long people want to see why this club is popular yet exclusive for privileged people.

despite being underage mingyu and yerim were familiar with this night life. when they were just reaching their teen years their older cousins would bring them to some parties and clubs for them to see what it looks like.

the blasting of music and hot bodies dancing were what greeted yerim and mingyu upon entering the bar. mingyu greeted almost everyone inside the club, he was pretty well known anyway. actually the kims were pretty popular in their respective schools. so it's no surprise that some people here know them.

they stopped midway which made yerim confused mingyu pulled her a little closer and whispered (shouted rather) something to her ear

"i'm meeting my friends rim" mingyu said on yerim's ear. yerim nodded understandingly and said she will just be at the bar. after giving yerim a couple of reminders (despite her not needing it since she has been here before) mingyu took off and searched for his friends.

she sat on an empty stool and ordered a mojito and as she waits a man sat beside her. yerim didn't look simply because she didn't care so she just sat their watching the bartender make her drink.

the man cleared his throat trying to get yerim's attention which earned a chuckle from the female she did look at him and smiled a little. he is handsome, yerim won't deny that he's certainly her type.

"why are you alone here miss?" his voice could make any female's knees tremble but yerim could was different, after growing up with males who have the same tactics (and of course good looks) she could say that she is immune.

"i got bored" she replied with a small grin making its way on her lips. he inched closer and yerim could smell his manly perfume mixed with the smell of cigarette

"could i buy you a drink?" he offered his smirk turned into a boyish smile and just in time yerim's drink came, she raised her glass and looked at him

"i already have one" she said and took a sip of her mojito and looked away from him. he raised his brow and chuckled finding yerim very intriguing

"wanna play a game then?" he asked and a small grin once again was making it's way on yerim lips she faced him and when their eyes met he got his answer

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