Chapter 3: Power of ZARC and a reunion.

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Y/n P.O.V.

Serafall: Y/n you have to help Rias.

Me: Why?

Serafall: Because she's been forced to marry Riser Phenex.

Me: You mean the same Riser Phenex who thought he could claim both Ray and Tiamat, that Riser Phenex?

Serafall: The one and the same.

Me: Hm fine I'll help Rias just this once but after that no more.

Serafall: Thank you.

She says kissing me.

Time skip.

My brothers and I were walking towards the ORC, to meet with Rias and her peerage. As we got close I smelt a familiar scent.

Me: Phenex.

I say in a growl.

Yuya: Brother calm yourself.

Me: Fine.

I knock on the door.

Rias: Enter.

As we entered I see Riser with his whores. When Riser saw me he backed up a little.

???: And who are you?

Me: Riser we meet again.

Riser: What are you doing here!

Yuri: He doesn't answer to you or her.

???: I am the Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer I demand to know who you are.

Riser: Riser has important things to do.

He says as him and his peerage teleport away. As I was about to walk out a hand grabbed my shoulder.

???: You still haven't answered my question Low-Class.

At that I just sighed at let 0.005% of my power out, and I turn around slightly and look at this maid with a dark aura coming off me.

005% of my power out, and I turn around slightly and look at this maid with a dark aura coming off me

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At that the devils backed up slightly, because they saw not only myself but my brothers eyes glowing.

Me: Not even a percent of my power and your backing away scared, what's next your going to piss yourselves.

Yugo: I say we should stop him...

Yuto: But it's to good of an opportunity...

Yuri: To see the Devil faction be put in there place.

Yuya: I hate to admit it but you guys are right on this one.

Me: Go to ever is in charge and tell them ZARC has reawakened and I'm out for blood.

Yuya: Brother enough.

Yuya says as he grabs my shoulder.

Me: Count yourselves lucky today Devils you get to live another day hehehehahaha.

I say teleporting with my brothers.

Rias P.O.V.

Grayfia: Lady Rias who was that?

Rias: His name is-

Ddraig: ZARC.

Rias/Grayfia/Rias's peerage: WHAT!

Ddriag: What you just saw was ZARC in his human form.

Grayfia: You are talking about the Dragon that ended the Great War.

Ddraig: Yes, though I'm surprise he and his brothers outside the Dimensional Gap.

Back with Y/n

Serafall: Why did you threaten Grayfia!

Me: Because she called me a Low-Class so I decided to scare her along with Rias and her peerage.

A knock was heard on my bedroom door.

Yuya: Uh Brother there is someone here for you.

Me: Who is it?

Yuya: They said meet outside, and the only word he said to me was Muda.

Me: Ah my closest friend has returned, ok I'm coming now.

I kiss Serafall before walking out the door.

Me: We'll continue this later.

As I walk down stairs and out the door, it was already night time, but the thing that caught my attention was foot steps coming down the road, as I look I saw the man who made me use 20% of my true power walking at me.

Me: Dio

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Me: Dio.

Dio: Y/n.

We stared off each other not moving.

Me: I'm surprised you are here.

Dio: I Dio am looking for my adopted son Gasper.

Me: And your search brought you here.

Dio: Yes.

Me: Well I'll help you find him, but only if you help me.

Dio: Oh and what do you need help with.

Me: A certain family called Phenex.

At that Dio just smiled.

Dio: The family who believe they are truly immortal because of there name, I wished to take control of an Phenex body but, the body I'm in right now has enough power as it is, so I wish to test this power against something

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Dio: The family who believe they are truly immortal because of there name, I wished to take control of an Phenex body but, the body I'm in right now has enough power as it is, so I wish to test this power against something.

Me: Then join me and we'll find 'willing' test subjects.

I say holding out my hand and he took it and shook it.

Me/Dio: The power of the Dragons and of Za Warudo will be unstoppable.

To be continued.

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