Chapter 3

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After my little encounter with him I was completely frazzled I'm mean not that running into that guy was that bad but it was what happened after that really stumped me. WE EXCHANGED NUMBERS , and hey I know your probably thinking like that's not that big of a deal but for me it is.

After we both got up of the floor of the supermarket we started talking I found out that he is a lawyer and is 26, after I told him age and occupation he was shocked in his own words

" you look to young to be 24 and I would have never guessed doctor"

Well I didn't figure I would be a doctor at 24 either , but I flew through university so I guess it actually did happen.

Anyway we stood around talking for what felt like hours until he simply said,

" We should hang out sometime, here's my number." he handed me a business card and wrote his own personal mobile number on the back with the pen he pulled out of his shirt pocket.

I in return did the same but on a little piece of paper I ripped of my shopping list handing me his pen I wrote my number down.

He said he would call soon.

The Guy

After receiving this beautiful girls number I consider my self in a happy mood for the rest of the day. after I ran into her at the shops I continued on my way to work but I couldn't get her out of mind she was like permanent texta I could not get her out of my head as soon as she ran into me I knew that's it i have to know more about this girl so I took a bold move and asked for her number she seemed shocked but at least she gave it and in retire I told her I would call soon, but how soon I wasn't sure.

So as I spent my christmas in hospital with my mum as she came down with some mysterious virus that I felt partly to blame for and I tried to tell mum but she wouldn't believe me she kept saying " these things happen" and " go home I will be fine in the morning," but I knew it wasn't true I knew it was my fault I had some how manage to pick up a curse and I really was a superstitious man, I think may have started around the time I ran into her at the shops or maby I was just stressed with not knowing what was wrong with my mum.

Mum was a sleep for now so I took the opportunity to take a walk and get some coffee, as I stepped out of the room I walked into the eating area and as I made my way to the exit......

There she was sitting looking just as tired as I was. she must of felt me staring because looked and suddenly the suppose on her face was replaced with that of pure happiness.

That was when I realised I have to be with this girl.

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