It Begins

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The little boy stood alone in the fog covered playground. He was familiar with it, yet something in the air made him feel uneasy. His father and brother had gone to get something to drink and told him to stay put, but that had been what felt like hours ago.
He wanted to go look for them, and had started to do just that, until the fog rolled in and he lost track of what direction they had gone. Now he stood there alone and shaking, wondering exactly what the shadowed figure off in the distance wanted.
The whole time since he noticed the man, he had been paying very close attention to how he never moved any further or closer, but always kept an exact distance as if a shadow, rather then a person. The only reason he knew it to be a real person. was because his movements weren't mirrors of his own.
The boy had called out a shaky hello, but got no response. However looking closer at the man shadow he did notice an eerie glow to where the eyes should be. Not a demonic red, nor angelic blue, but rather a shifting between violet and green.
As D.T. woke up from yet another dream of his childhood nightmares, he reached for the glass of green liquid that was always by his bed, and chugged the last little bit. Grimacing at the taste and then realizing it was another week gone and now he had to drink the purple stuff, he groaned.
The only part of his dreams that had any affect on him anymore where the eyes. Somehow the eyes always knew how he needed to transition the brews. Having just finished the green brew, and going to purple he needed to hunt down the ingredients before the next full moon, less he loses control.
He still didn't understand how the dreams worked, but he was certain that something horrible will happen if he doesn't keep taking the concoctions in the order they are delivered to his subconscious.
That being done for the day, he got up and finished getting ready for his day with stiffs.

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