TFB - 20

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"What the heck, Chii? What is going on? I thought you hate, Taehyung? So, what's this?" Jisoo bombarded her best friend with questions as they entered Chii's office.

Chii rubs her temples in frustration. "I don't know, Jisoo. I don't know."

Jisoo was dismayed by Chii's answer. "How in the world did you not know that Taehyung is the CEO? It's your job to know the people we are going to work. Don't give me the crap that you don't know!"

She's beyond pissed and she doesn't care  if she is raising her voice and scolding her boss. She can't believe that this is happening.


She flinch when Chii yells and hit the table with her fist. "You think I'll agree in this collaboration if I knew that your freaking ex-boyfriend is the CEO? I'm not a fool! He deceives us, okay? Taehyung deceive us. He deliberately uses another name and let me talk to Mr. Im because he knows that even if it was my dream working in the company, I will immediately disregard the proposal. So don't put the blame on me!"

She bit her lips in fear. Fear of Chii. This is the very first time that she saw Chii snaps and lost her cool. And she realized that she shouldn't blame her for this. She should've known better that Chii won't do something stupid like this.

"What should we do?" She timidly asked still surprised by Chii's sudden outburst.

Chii sigh heavily slumping in her chair as she rubs her aching temples. "We only have two options."

Jisoo furrowed her brows and waits for Chii to continue.

"It's either we continue with the project..."

"No!" She quickly opposed. She doesn't want to work with Taehyung.

"Or we'll face a lawsuit and I have to pay him 15 million dollars."

Her eyes widen in shock. "15 million dollars? That's too much!" She can't believe Taehyung will do this.

"Taehyung is a sly jerk. He really plan for this. He is giving us no choice." Chii sigh in defeat. "Soo..."


"I'm going to terminate the contract."

"What?!" She looked at Chii, bewildered by  her decision.

"Chii, you can't do that? If you terminate the contract, we'll face a lawsuit, you'll pay him 15 million dollars and that will be the downfall of your company."

"So are you telling me that you're fine working with him? You are going to work with him side by side for a book. And who knows what Taehyung will do."

She biting her lips contemplating their situation. She honestly despise the idea of working with her ex but she can't let Chii throw away all her hard work. Urgh! She hates what's happening right now. And if there is one person to blame with all this mess, it's none other than Kim Taehyung.

She took a deep breath before looking at Chii, directly in the eyes. "I'll do it. I'll work with him."

Chii's eyes widen in surprise. "Soo, you don't have to do this. If you are worried about the company, don't. I can perfectly pay him more than the penalty and I'm sure that my company can get through this but I can't let you work with him. Taehyung is a bad news, Soo."

Letting Jisoo and Taehyung work together make Chii's worry escalated 10 times.

"It's not just that Chii. I'm doing this for myself as well. I have to show him that he doesn't affect me anymore. And that I can perfectly fine working with him. I am not affected by his prescense." She said with full of determination.

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