Fighting For The Tube To Rise

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While the minute is going, they are saying everyone's names.
" We give a big thanks to,
Alice, Lucy, Kloe, Izi, Skai, Meg, Caitty, Crystle, Joanne, and Lilli.
We would also like to thank,
Dustin, Coby, Ethan, Jarod, Michael, Jackson, Steven, Bayley, Ash, and Percy.
Please let the 21st annual Fighting For Freedom fights commence.
And with that, the tubes lift up into the sky.
I don't know which way to run. I see most people heading in the direction of the lake, and some heading for the stack of weapons. I only see 3 heading in the bush. So I follow.
I run as fast as I can. My heart is beating in my ears. I see fireworks explode in the sky. Let's see how many have died.
Four contestants have already died. Wow this month will be over in no time.
I stop to get a breath, and then I notice someone. In the corner of my eye, I see, I see. A person, running at me. Full speed. She throughs a knife. Then another. This must be Kloe. I saw her practicing. She threw all her knifes perfectly at her target. But I'm now the dummy. One of the knifes lands in a tree next to me. I grab it out and put it in my pocket. I see a tree that looks easy enough to climb.
I run behind a tree and Kloe keeps running. I get to the tree and start to climb. I see something, wooden like fly past my face. It's an arrow. This must be Coby. He's not the best at aiming, but he has a pretty mean speed. I see someone else, climbing up the tree. The person looks small, and weak. I see a bow in the persons hand and arrows in her pocket. Should I use my knife? I'll wait till she comes up.
She is slowly getting up the tree, when I now see her face.
It's Joanne.
She starts to loose balance and she falls to the ground. The bow that was in her mouth is now stuck on the tree. So are the arrows. I go grab them and then I notice Joanne is gone. I look back over at Coby and he is gone aswell. I haven't seen any fireworks yet. But I will be soon.

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