A girl is not just an inferior gender.

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The cold and unwelcomed night for the rest of the family members was the most pleasant night for the mother.She kissed the cheeks of the newborn baby, caressed her face and looked at the baby attentively.As the mother had no enough milk to satisfy the baby,she cried out  unstoppingly .The mother,though she couldn't stand properly had to carry around the baby in the room and sang lullaby to her. The child finally had fallen asleep and carefully the mother laid her down.However, mother could not fall asleep due to the joy that tickled her.
                   It was already another beautiful morning and the sun shone brightly to the fullest,yet it was a dull day for the family because of the birth of a girl child.Nobody asked the mother if she needed anything,or was alright,then the grandma came to the mother with a heap plate of rice.The father ignored both the child and the mother, feeling sad for the birth of the girl.The mother ate the food the grandma brought with great appetite.The child started to cry with her meek and shrill voice.The mother wasn't hungry enough to ignore her child;she hurriedly ran to the sink and washed off her hands to stop the crying baby.No wonder how hungry is the mother,she never is hungry enough to overlook her child's cry.
                 When no one else carried a child,mother alone carried her although she suffered several pains from delivery.Every night she stayed awake and comforted the baby when she cried.Every morning,she woke up early to cook and clean the house and served the family as far could be of her.The mother didn't earn money,but saved so much;cooking food for the family,cleaning the entire house,washing clothes and dishes, babysitting the girl.
              After a week,the family finally arranged a small ceremony of naming the girl.Mother was overwhelmed with happiness and cried tears of joy.She kissed the baby at her forehead and thought to herself"I only wish that my child be named Khushi".(happy girl)The family invited five families to be at the naming ceremony.All the invitees entered one by one.They showed different reactions towards the child--the first family ,Thakurs looked as if they were not so happy with the birth of the girl;the second family,the kapoors looked moderately happy;the third Mishras were just looking around the sitting room not showing much concern;the fourth family,the Sharmas were super happy,bringing golden necklace as a gift of happiness and the fifth,the Chauhans were quite poor, they themselves looked destitute.But they were the most thoughtful family.Mrs.Chauhan kissed the baby on her cheeks and spoke up saying"Today is a special day for all of us, especially to the child's mother,in a sense,giving birth to a girl is considered a curse in our society but I say, it's not.A girl is not just an inferior gender,she is equal to a boy.A girl is a gift from God.A person who can take responsibility of a mother,father and wife is a girl."
       The mother looked at Mrs.Chauhan with great appreciation,finally,she is the only person speaking up her thoughts.The mother always wanted someone to understand that a girl child is not a curse but a gift.The mother was at one hand feeling clueless of what to say to thank Mrs Chauhan for speaking her thoughts out which she herself has no courage to.The mother managed to speak out "Thankyou all for sparing your time on this ceremony and we really appreciate you.And thankyou,Mrs Chauhan,for your hearty words on  a girl child".
              Then,the grandfather stood up to announce that the name of the child has not been decided and asked the invitees to suggest one.It was so shocking to the mother.This decision could be made by the family,but instead it was put up to the invitees,that really was a sign of not taking well the girl.
         The mother was so hurt but there was nothing she could do about it,she herself was looked down as considered merely a weak gender,and didn't want her child to suffer the same,and that had her really hurt.
           One of the inviteed, Pradeep Thakur in a low confused state asked"So the task of naming the child is upon us?"perhaps wondering how weird the family was.
                The father had no say in it because already he was not happy for the girl and even if he so will be,it might take sometime for him to digest well.
                 The grandfather in a very witty way said smirking"We honestly didn't expect a girl.We have countless list of names for a boy and when it turned out to be a girl,we really are clueless,so we had to make you all decide for us and come up with one name".
                 The mother now realized that the family was not naming the child because the name holding any significant meaning such as Khushi,Roshni, Sapna,etc.wont be what they will be up to giving her and name such as Boch(burden),Dukh (pain) will become very odd to people.
                  So,the invitees made a discussion and finally came up with one.Mrs Chauhan stood up declaring"There are countless names but you all are confused and clueless (smirking), isn't it odd?So we come up with one".
                The mother was now smiling yet scared what would the name be.However,it seemed like the mother wished it hard enough to be denied.
                "The name of the girl is Khushi,she

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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