Chapter one

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Okay this is my very first story. I put lots of effort into it so I'll appreciate it if you check it out. I'm so sorry If I made a mistake or if it's cliche. anyways on with the story



I literally jumped out of my skin, falling out of my bed as my alarm clock woke me up. Damn It! I just had an amazing dream where I married Van Hansis then I heard this stupid beeping sound...which was my alarm clock. It freaking pisses me off when someone or something wakes you up when you were having a great dream. And I can't believe I actually fell out of my bed. How pathetic am I?

The beeping sound snapped me back to reality as it pierced my ears.

I groaned as I pushed the "snooze" button and wiped the left over drool on the corners of my mouth and chin.

Oh and by the way, I'm Rylane. Rylane Calvins. I know that's a strange name but that's my dad's fault. I hate that bastard. He cheated on my mom, insulted her, and even hit her once. I'm so glad my mom walked out on him and took me with her.

Anyways, I'm fourteen years old. I have my dad's chocolate hair....ew... but my mom's big green eyes. I'm not pretty at all, and I'm a bit overweight. But honestly, I'm kinda glad I'm not pretty because I won't have to worry about boys kidnapping me, stalking me, or hitting or flirting with me. I do kinda want someone to date but it'll distract me from my studies so I'm planning to date after I graduate.

I go to a Catholic High school called Dennis O'Connor and I live in a small town called Ajax. I first thought High School was going to be hard and scary and I wasn't going to make any friends...but I was wrong. It's really fun and easier than I thought it would be.

I walked downstairs, not fully awake so I almost fell down the stairs, thank God I didn't. I went to the living room and weighed myself. 139lbs. Well at least I'm making progress. Last week, I was 142 pounds.Yes, I'm losing weight. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you.... I'm on a diet. I'm not anorexic, I am eating...sorta.... W-well I don't want my ribs to show, I just want to get rid of all my extra fat.

I then heard my mom walk down the stairs. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a random bowl, put in the sink, washed it and started towel drying it.

"Did you eat breakfast already?" My mom asked as I put the bowl on the counter.

"Yes." I lied trying to sound convincing as possible. I didn't want to lie but If I tell her no, she'll make me eat which will ruin my diet.

"Okay, good." She smiled putting my two year old brother Tyler down and started making coffee,

"Da!" My brother yelled pointing at me. He can't talk yet...

"Hi cutie!" I cooed as I bent down and kissed Tyler's nose. God he's the cutest thing in the world. And he's so small! By the way, Tyler is my half-brother. After my mom walked out on my dad, she met this guy Ray, they fell in love and had a kid. They're not married but I still consider Ray as my father.

After I got ready, my mom drove me to school. I was supposed to take a bus but it was so damn crowded. As soon as I got to Dennis O'Connor, I saw my friends running towards the car. Here we go again...

I locked both the front and the back doors while they were yelling to open up as they lightly knocking on the windows.

"Rylane, unlock the doors." My mom told me sternly giving me ten dollars to buy lunch from the cafeteria.

"Fine." I sighed rolling my eyes as I unlocked the doors. My friend Adriana who was trini opened the door.

"Hey mom! Hi Tyler!" She yelled as she stuck her head in the car, blocking my way out. I slightly pushed her, got out of the car and went to the back seat to get my bag.

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