chapter two

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I looked in the mirror and I couldn't see it. Damn it! I then felt the the back of my hair. I DID have gum in my hair! WTF?!

"What the hell?! Who did this to me?!" I screamed. Thank god no one else was in the bathroom.

"Calm down Ry!We just have to cut it out." Amanda told me as she searched in her bag for some scissors.

"No..." I whined. I love my long hair! Why does this have to happen to me?!

"Hold still." Amanda demanded as she started cutting my hair.

"Why are you cutting it so short?!" I yelled. I didn't mean to yell at her, I was just so pissed that someone put gum in my hair.

"Sorry! The gum is REALLY high up." She apologized.

I started crying. Oh come on! I can't believe i have to cut my hair so damn short! My beautiful hair...

I couldn't look. I kept my eyes glued to the ground.

"Okay done." Amanda told me.

I looked in the mirror and...I couldn't believe it. I didn't even recognize myself! The only thing I did recognize was my big green eyes. I raised my hand to the top of my head and slid it down to see where it ended which was about a few inches from the back of my neck. My chocolate brown hair was covering my ears and hung low in my eyes.

"What the fuck Amanda?! I look like a GUY!" I yelled making her flinch.

"Sorry...but I had to make it even and that's how high the gum was." She told me quietly.

"No...its okay.Sorry for yelling Thanks for cutting my hair." I said softly as I smiled at her. I can never be mad at her and she did help me...sorta. I actually sorta like the hair cut despite it making me look like a guy.

"No problem...what should we do with your hair on the floor?" She asked. Crap I've never thought of that!

"Um.... I don't know." I told her truthfully.

She then shrugged and swept it with her feet and put it in a corner.

"Come on let's go." She said as she walked out of the bathroom with me following her.


At the cafeteria, people were staring at me strangely. Do I really look that weird?

I bought a small fries and a drink and went to the table where my friends were. They were laughing, fooling around, being dumb yet happy and when they saw me, their jaw dropped to the ground.

"Ry....What did you do to your hair?" My friend Bethany asked.

"You look like a dude!" My short perverted friend Brandon cried.

Then my friends started laughing at me. I sighed. I need some new friends...

"Don't listen to them... you're cute." Someone said.

I turned around and only Amanda was behind me. She couldn't have said that to me...did she?

She walked to the table and sat down while eating her lunch. I sat beside her and ate my lunch quietly. After my friends told me I look like a boy, they got bored and went outside.

Afterwards when Amanda and I were done eating, we went outside also.

"Hey everyone look! Rylane looks like a boy. Now she's a thousand times uglier than before!!!!!" Trevee yelled when Amanda and I were talking about Harry Potter.

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