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Hello Hello, my lovelies!

I'm so glad you decided to stop by and read this book. I've thought about writing RE oneshots for years, but I was always afraid to do so just because I thought other writers did/do it way better. I haven't read a oneshot in FOREVER, but I hope to do my best with this and I hope I can please you all! I also think that this will be a good exercise for my writing abilities as I have kinda burned out on my fanfics. I swear I can't think if what direction to go in them... Haha.

So... Erm...

These scenes between you and whichever character you choose can be anything! Like, erm, what type of scene would you like? You want there to be cute little dates? Blood and gore? Kissy faces?

Please comment on this chapter which character you would like to be paired with, as well as what type of scene or event you'd like to happen. If you can't think of any ideas, that is all good! I don't mind coming up with them.

I will not do sexual scenes, or "lemons," as they make me uncomfortable. Sorry. Anything leading up to that point will fade to black and what happens during it will be left to your imagination.

Updates might be slow due to my medical condition; EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). I also blame this for my grammer mistakes. It can cause all kinds of problems, one being vertigo (basically where I get SUPER dizzy).

I guess that's it for now.

💙 Moka

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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