My Babysitter's a Vampire S3E6: Calling in Support

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"Do you mind?" Anastasia said as Erica paced on the phone. She looked at the former head of the vampire council and brandished her vampire eyes, Anastasia simply groaned and looked at the TV which had been running episodes of some show with a dog and a cat that were attached to each other, "This is just disturbingly inaccurate." Erica was on the phone with the police, "His name is Rory Keaner, for the last time. How have you not found him? IT'S BEEN DAYS!!", the phone went dead and Erica slammed into the table. She went over to the table and wept into her hands. "No word from Keaner I presume?", Anastasia looked from her ridiculous cartoons as Erica cleaned her face of tears, "No,", she said and went to the fridge for the emergency ice cream, "Why did he leave?", Anastasia got up and put her sunglasses on, "Because you decided to dig into his vampire hunting affairs thus he left into the night to only God knows where.", Erica dropped the ice cream, "Oh here we go again.", Anastasia prepared herself for another verbal sparring...

Only to be grabbed by the arm and sped out the door into Erica's car. Erica buckled her seat belt and in a swift motion took to the road. "Would you care to explain why I'm being dragged into the day?!?", Erica was driving so fast they were most likely going to get a speeding ticket if caught. "Where would Rory go?", Anastasia looked at her companion, "Excuse me?", "WHERE WOULD RORY GO?!?", Erica flashed her eyes and for the first time Anastasia was terrified, "Whitechapel!", Anastasia felt fear flush her face, "Watch the road you fool!", Erica just barely missed a car. "Exactly," Erica stated, "And that's-", she was finishing her sentence when her phone rang.

'Spell Boy' was the caller.


*The Morgan's Residence*  

"Hello?", Benny said into the Morgan's house phone, Jane was playing with Rory, he fumbled over the couch which made Jane laugh. "Keep it down in there will yah," Benny said and grumbled into the phone, "Kids". He heard the phone go into calling, "BENNY!?!", was the first words he heard, "Hello ba-", Benny was cut off, "Benjamin Weir I swear to God if you flirt with me, I WILL KILL YOU!!", Benny retracted his head from the phone in fear, "Put. Rory. On. The. Phone. NOW!!", Benny turned to the doorway, "Hey, Rory,", Rory and Jane stopped playing paddy cake, "What's up, Benny?'", Benny raised the phone, "She-who-should-not-be named is on the other end.", Rory's eyes widen, "Come accept your fate, cause I'm not.", with that Benny gave the phone to Rory who reluctantly placed it to his ear, "Hello?",

He should not have answered.

"RORY!!", he flinched and phone juggled out of his hands, Benny fell back and Jane's mouth hit the floor, "How the frak did she do that?!?", Benny said and put his hand over his damaged ear, Jane came over and rubbed it, "Thanks kid.", Jane kissed his ear and went over to the couch. Benny left to join Rory in the rage of Erica's voice, "Sound's like you either dumped her or left her," Rory look up and Benny, "Although knowing you," Benny scanned Rory up and down, "It's defiantly is not the former.", Benny winked and smile, "Shut up Benny!", Rory barked and Benny sat back to enjoy the show." 

"Do you have any idea how long you were gone?!?", Rory looked at Benny who flashed four which changed to five which changed to a shrug, "I don't know, I've been busy.", Erica was not pleased, "Why are you in Whitechapel? AND why didn't you call us Benny?", Benny looked up and rose to his feet, "Umm...I was ....busy.", he quirked a smile and Rory face palmed himself, "Bust? BUSY?!?, we thought you were dead," she began to cry over the phone and Benny ruffled his mess of curls, he didn't think not calling for a year would cause this. "I'm sorry if you were here you wouldn't have time to call either," Benny said and Rory just sat the phone on the table, his ears were pretty much bleeding, "Oh don't worry Benny, I'll know what's it's like." Benny looked at Rory and both looked at the phone, "What do you mean 'know what it's like'?", Benny questioned and was met with, "I'm coming home."

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