Chapter 2

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The bombs had gone off; which also meant that the cameras had been destroyed. The plan was perfect. But now they had to escape incase and 'survivors' or anyone outside the hospital recognised them. "Where are we going?" I asked. "What's with all the questions today white eyes? Like actually just stop!" purple eyes obviously wasn't very happy today...but then again when was he happy? "Okay calm down..." I said. "Calm down?! We just blew up a hospital and you're telling me to calm down!?" I wasn't sure whether it was a genuine question I'm not good with people. "You're the one who decided to join us! We didn't force you to do anything!" everything is silent. I can tell he wants to break my neck, but he knows if he tries that will be an act of treason and then next thing we would blow up would be him. The rest of the journey to the unknown destination is silent. We arrive outside an old building, that appears to be slightly dilapidated. We walked around to the back of the building were there seemed to be a small pipe leading inside the building. The inside of the building looked very different from the outside. There were four giant different coloured lights hung up in the room. They were the only way to light the room. The one to the right hand corner was red; the left hand corner blue; the other two were yellow and green. The place could have been the scene for a party or something like that but for now it's our headquarters. "Nathaniel come over here please." Since we were in headquarters we didn't have to use our nicknames but for your convenience this is pink eyes. "I told you not to call me that!" he was doing this to annoy me I know. "Okay...calm down" he said. I just scowled at him. He had no right to call me by that name; so why should he? It's not as if I call him "Terrance," that got a laugh out of everybody but him. He smiled at me and punched in the face. I felt something hot dripping down my face. I put my hand to my face and it came back red. Blood. "If you ever f##king dare do anything like that again I'll slam your sh##ty face into the wall. Okay?" That's not a question that's an order "okay" he looks at me and smiles again and then trots off. "Guys, come over here...look at the tv" purple eyes was staring at the screen looking with green eyes beside him. They looked genuinely scared. That never happens. "What is it I?" ask casting my eyes over to the screen. What I see next scares me, and I understand why they're scared. On the screen is a picture of me. I stand and stare at the screen then pass out...

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