Meet the Parents

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Jasper does not have a last name from either of his parents as he has 5 to chose from. So they decided to make his middle name his last name instead.

They would be:

Patrick Stump. Lead singer/composer for fall out boy on the surface. But Patrick is actually a high ranking angel. So powerful, he could be considered a God himself. He is heavenly in every sense of being except for one key detail. He often goes into a cold and calculated state of mind and detaches himself from intimacy. So those times when he opens up are super important!

Pete Wentz. The King of Vampires. Turned at a young age, he slowly grew older and older in appearance over hundreds of years. He's so old, he knew Patrick before he died. That's why they are best friends and even lovers. Married for centuries. Their relationship got to the point where they love and value and trust each other so much that they don't even spend intimate time together nearly as much as they used to. But Pete is the kind of guy who hates to admit it but he needs affection.

In comes Fall Out Girl. Not her real name but that's a secret identity. She is a fall out boy super fan with the power of soul bonding as well as a dormant purebred werewolf gene. She came across Pete by what she thought was random chance put Pete knew was destiny. He saved her from a life of torm along with the help of Patrick. But he also saved her by changing her into a daywalker. A half vampire who is able to keep certain aspects of their humanity. But the moment she was changed, her wolf emerged. Soon, she had to learn how to be a hybrid and with Patrick's help, she became powerful.

During this time, she fell in love with who was supposed to be her guardian angel, her heavenly protector. Despite initially falling for Pete. It was an unknown aspect of her entire being. The ability to bind souls. And in the process, fall in love with multiple people at once.

Because of this, she lived with Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump and the three of them tried to develop better ways to fight together but it didn't work out. She hurt Patrick and turned him dark. The angel spat nonsense about wanting to become the new devil just out of sheer heartache. The person who didn't want the world to suffer at all suddenly wanted everything to crumble just as he was inside. But... she only hurt him to protect herself from the wrath of her sire. The vampire who changed her. Pete became frantic and irrational out of loneliness whenever she was with Patrick.

So in comes Kendall. Due to Fall out boy taking a break with the drama that was going on, she had to find something else to be a super fan of. So she chose Big Time Rush. Though she never expected to have something similar happen again. Falling in love with three people at once. She fell in love with Logan just because they were drawn to each other. They were soulmates. But she fell for kendall more organically. Just from talking every night before bed about everything that happened to her previously.

It seems that someway somehow, kendall was made to be in her life. Even though they had no idea why. Well... as time went on, they faced many trials and tribulations along the way. One of them being a time when kendall got so angry, he hit her no differently than Pete would. And while Patrick was hurting, it was also his job to protect her. So he sent kendall to hell for a week. Only for kendall to come back as a half demon and then also be saved and given another chance by God himself, changing kendall into a half angel/half demon werewolf.

Even after all of that, she felt like she had to stay by Logan because their souls were bonded despite their feelings drifting apart.

So, in comes Brendon Urie. He had a crush on her when they were younger and he was drawn to her again despite being married to Sarah. He didn't understand it but he felt he had to protect her. Just like Pete did so many years ago before the abuse. And as it turned out, Fall Out Girl, because of her soul bonding abilities, actually had yin and yang soul mates. Logan being the bad and Brendon being the good.

The choice came with time twisting, dimension hopping, life changing consequences. She chose to fall in love again despite her previous tragedies but it was not meant to be in the same timeline as with Logan. Brendon's love for her was so strong that it broke physics and hoped timelines because he needed to protect her. The only way to make things right was to get Patrick's forgiveness or suffer from Pete once more. If she didn't, she wouldn't be able to be with brendon at all.

It took everything she had to make things as right as possible and she did succeed in switching timelines. And in the process, things from each timeline fused together. Sarah Urie did not exist as his wife but their daughter. She was still married to kendall but never met Logan a day in her life. And Patrick was some weird fusion of his old self and his hurt self. But by accepting his pain, he gained godlike abilities. Enough to be the person to start the timeline jump in the first place.

And due to this fusion of timelines, Pete was able to keep up his need for attention by dating Kendall on the side.

Why am i telling you all of this? Because this is how i came to be.
Who am i? Well... I am many things.

I am loving like my mother

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I am loving like my mother. I am the son of a top tier angel, a vampire king, a purebred werewolf, and two purebred alpha vampire hybrids. That's right, those are my parents. I am Jasper Sky. I'm only 15 right now and for as cool as I would seem, I'm actually very awkward.

I don't like conflict so I put up with a lot of bullying for being into science and space and comics but I can't help it, it's who I am. I'm a giant nerd with so much power that... I can't really use it. Growing up, I was only allowed to do the things that came with my physical appearance. Drink blood, fly, and run on the full moon. But when it came to any form of magic, I was strictly forbidden unless it was during training. My body... you'd think it could handle all of this power but there is still a small part of me that is human so my body is developing differently. I can't use them or I could lose a limb. Just one punch would kill the average human. I have to be careful and particular about everything single thing I do.

Hey, and my parents don't know this but I can make stuff. Anything. Weapons, technology, anything my heart desires, it's totally functional. It's the one power I like to practice all alone. And hey, I think it comes from poppa Pete and poppa Kendall. Because their weapons are heaven and hell swords that manifest from their very beings. I guess if you combine that with my mom's ability to wield any of them as weapons from their soul links, then I guess... well I guess that's where my ability comes from huh?

I won't tell if you won't tell!

Anyway, now that you know a bit about my parents, can I talk to you about my day to day adventures? I surely hope so! I'll update you later!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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