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A/n: I am in love with Japanese culture so many things will match up with things in Japan such as last name before first name. Also all chapters will be at least 1000 words.(besides the info chapter)

-arc 1-
-authors POV-

Y/n's eyes fluttered opening revealing her blue and pink eyes. She threw her hand over to her night stand, grabbing her phone and checking the time.
She slowly sat up, yawning and rubbing her eyes, her long h/c in sync with the movement of her head. She got up taking a shower and grabbing her scissors and her hair razor cutting her long hair.

 She got up taking a shower and grabbing her scissors and her hair razor cutting her long hair

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"Y/N ARE YOU AWAKE YET" Y/n's dad(the more masculine parent)yelled from downstairs. "YES" Y/n yelled back down grabbing the uniform and her jacket quickly slipping them on. Tossing the hood onto her head running out the door and down the stairs. "Here's breakfast" Y/n's mom exclaimed happily setting the plate of food down as I sat down. "Thanks for the food mom!" Y/n Cheered grabbing a fork. "By the way how's the little guy treating ya?" Y/n added jokingly. "Shut it you little brat" her dad yawned knowing whole heartedly that it was more over a joke. Finishing the last of her food got up quickly rinsing her plate, wiping her hands, hugging her parents, and the grabbing her backpack; throwing her shoes on and running out the door.

~later at school~
~Y/n's POV~

I opened the large heavy doors revealing the class that would be my 'family' for years. I scanned the crowd seeing a few people I want to talk to. I started with a green haired boy with eyes shining looking at me. "Hey" I greet him pulling up a chair "H-hello" he squeaks. "So what's your name?" I question "Mi-Midoryia I-I-Izuku" "Nice to meet you the names(Lance)Kobayashi Y/n"
(Anyone get that reference?)
I say happily extending a hand to which he nervously takes. "Well nice meeting you I'm gonna meet some other people" I said patting his back and putting the chair back. Despite already the people I wanted to meet I looked around again just in case I wanted to back out. I walked up to another boy this one had red hair and he talking to a few other people I wanted to meet. "Hello!" I exclaimed happily gaining their attention. "Hello!" They greeted the yellow haired one winked but I ignored him "My name is Kobayashi Y/n" "nice to meet you my name is Kirishima Eijiro!" The red head exclaimed. I took a quick mental note that he and Midoryia are balls of sunshine I will protect these two with my life. "Ashido Mina!" The pink haired girl happily said "Denki Kaminari but you can call me anytime" yellow head flirted. We chatted for a bit talking about family and potential friends before I headed to the the next person. The last person I wanted to talk to a girl with dark purplish blue hair no one was around and she looked kinda bored. As I walked to her my heart started beating faster and faster as I grew closer. "H-hello" I stammered "hey" she sighed "my name's Kobayashi Y/n" I said happily recovering quickly "Jiro Kyoka" she said perking up a bit. I sat down beside her and we started talking until the teacher walked in which made me run down to my seat.

-skip to lunch-

It was lunch already, I looked at Jiro she yet again looked lonely and hungry this time. I grabbed my card and ran up to her and asked her if she had a lunch. "N-no I don't" she stammered her stomach growling slightly. I smiled softly before pulling her over to the cafe "pick anything you'd like!" I exclaimed. "No it's fine Kobayashi" she said in a rushed tone "it's cool just pick something" I exclaimed smiling giving her a small pat on the back. "I insist" "well if you say so" I watched her look at the food as I told her I'd be right back and went to grab my lunch getting back just before she picked her things out. I quickly scanned what she ordered the total was $13.99 which wasn't to bad. I handed the woman my card and she quickly ran it up as Jiro grabbed her things before I got my card back and we sat down next to each other by Midoryia and some people he met. "That was so nice of you Kobayashi!" Midoryia exclaimed "it was no big deal it's what friends do!" I said flashing a smile as I grabbed a cookie from my lunch-pale. *BOOM* I quickly turned my head to see the boy known as Bakugou scaring the others around him angrily walking up to us. I stood up getting ready to fight him.

"What do you porcupine" I hissed standing in front of Jiro. "Move extra" he growled "what if I don't" he started literally growling as I said that. He tried pushing me aside but I grabbed the white string connected to him and rubbed it causing him to fall the ground. I then saw his love string which was multi colored the colors green, black with a tint of red, and red with a tint of white radiating off him. I followed each one they lead to Kirishima, Mido, and a red and white haired boy I haven't met. "Oof" I whisper and let go of the string. I turned around and saw Mido's eyes shining. "That was so cool! what's your quirk?" "It's called heartbeat" I say and a random notebook practically materializes. "What does it do" he questions. I begin explaining and when im finally done Jiro asked me two questions "can you see your own soulmate?" "No" "did you see Bakugou's soulmate" "soulmates and yes I did" "Who are they?!" Kirishima chimed in. I stared at him for a bit then shook my head "sorry Kiri that's private information that could effect his soulmates" I said wishing I could tell them.

-part 1 over-

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