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"You haven't said a word since we left."

Him and Chaeyoung fled the Gala, leaving their bloody mess and jumping on the first private jet Junmyeon could get available. It was just them two, and a pilot. The quiet hum of the plane was the only thing to fill the cabin with noise.

Chanyeol looked from the airplane window to Chaeyoung coming out of the bathroom, now in leggings and a oversized sweater for the long flight ahead of them. Her once perfectly waved hair was now pulled into a high bun, complimenting the slope of her neck. His gaze on her angelic profile was enough to forget about the events that had unfolded for a second, letting his mind ease at her simplistic beauty.

He felt guilty.

He had a chance to take Lee Taeyong out of this world, for good, years ago. The gun pointed straight onto the man's chest, ready to send a bullet into the heart. Instead, when Chanyeol looked into the eyes of the younger man, he could see a little bit of himself in Taeyong. He pulled the gun away, and pushed him off the ledge of a building into the water of the Hann River below.

It had been the only person Chanyeol hadn't been able to kill. And now Lee Taeyong was planning something again, whatever it was. He wanted to get back to headquarters right away to crack the plans

Chanyeol clenched his jaw and took his eyes of her, the only thing to ease his guilt, and out at the midnight sky that the plane was now apart of. He didn't deserve to not feel guilty. His lapse of judgement had caused this.

"I thought you would be celebrating my silence, not questioning it." He responded lowly.

Chaeyoung sighed, "At least change out of your tux. There's blood all over it."

"It's fine." Chanyeol quipped, looking down at his attire. His collar had been loosened, the bow tie undone and sitting around his neck. Dark blood was splatted on the crisp white dress shirt.

She pulled his luggage from the overhead space and unzipped it, looking through his piles of dark clothing before pulling out a dark gray hoodie and black joggers.

"Change." Chaeyoung ordered, holding out the clothes to him.

It would be a waste of his mental energy to argue with her over something as small as simply changing his clothes. When he came out of the bathroom cabin after fulfilling her order, she looked satisfied.

"See. Isn't it so much better than sitting in clothes soaked with the enemies blood?" Her tones was very matter of fact as she turned her attention back to a book she had in hand.

Chanyeol slumped into the seat across the isle on the opposite side, throwing his feet up onto the other seat in front of him as rest. "I'm going to try and sleep." He announced and put the hood up around his head to block some of the light.

"Do you want to talk about why this Lee Taeyong guy seems to have shaken your confidence?"

No, he didn't want to talk about it. Except every since his first argument with Chaeyoung, he knew he had to be a little bit more forth
coming with information and this involved an ongoing mission.

"Long story short, I should have put a bullet through his chest a long time ago but, I didn't." Chanyeol breathed and closed his eyes to sleep, irritatedHe felt like she was intelligent enough to connect that he felt regret.

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