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September 6, 2019

The night was quiet, but inside the night club it was deafening. Music blasted in all corners of the large room. People yelled and drank until they could no longer walk straight.

It was a place to escape, that was why people came to Pandemonium. It was one of Nicholas' greatest accomplishments over his many years. He had owned countless business but nothing brought his the same joy that Pandemonium did.

Nicholas sat upstairs above the club watching all the young people dancing and drinking. They were all so stupid, wasting away what little they had in life. But as long as they paid, Nicholas didn't care. He had lost the ability to care long ago.

While Nicholas sat upstairs, Evangeline walked into the club. Tonight was her twenty-fifth birthday. She wasn't really much for big celebrations but her friends insisted on going out to celebrate the milestone.

Evangeline looked around the loud room, people her age danced with one another, grinding up against each other and taking shots. She desperately wanted to leave the moment she walked in.

Cassandra pulled her to the bar and order shots for their group.

"Today is my friends birthday!" Cassandra told the bartender. "Any chance we can get a discount?"

"Well, happy birthday, miss." He said with a smile.

"Thanks." Evangeline said softly.

Everything was overwhelming for Evangeline. Ever since she was a young girl she had been able to sense peoples emotions and feelings, call it some sort of intuition. Whenever she was in large groups of people it easily became too much for her to handle. Over the years she had been able to control it, but not here, not tonight.

Evangeline took her shot quickly so that Cassandra would be pleased.

"Let's go dance!" Evangeline followed Cassandra out onto the dance floor.

She attempted to dance for a little while until she simply couldn't stand it any longer.

"I'm going to go get something to drink." Evangeline shouted at her friends. They waved at her as she walked back up to the bar.

She asked for some water and then looked back at the dance floor, looking for her friends.

"Heather?" She heard from behind her.

She turned and saw a man not that much older than her staring at her with disbelief.

"Ummm, no. Sorry, you have me mistaken for my mom." Evangeline smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry for disturbing you."

Before she could say anything else the man was gone. The bartender hands her her water, leaving her confused and a little stunned.

Up in Nicholas' office, Nicholas poured himself a drink. Though it wasn't what he was craving for, it helped.

He heard a knock at his door.

"Come in."

Marcus, one of Nicholas oldest friends walked in.

"You'll never believe what just happened."

"What?" Nicholas asked, his interests being piqued.

"So, I was at the bar, talking with Eugene and I see this girl. I didn't get a look at her face but just from the back she was the spitting image of Heather. So, I called out to her and she turned around and damn, she looks like Heather, younger though."

"And?" Nicholas asks, growing impatient.

"God, I haven't even gotten to the best part. Get this, she says 'sorry you have me mistaken for my mom'. Do you know what this means Nick?"

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