chapter diez ヽ(^◇^*)/

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Izuku's POV

Todoroki: Yes??

Me: I don't think... can we meet up?

I didn't think it was a good idea to do this over text so I'm gonna meet up with him.

Todo: Yeah, of course. Now? It's only 6:30

Me: Yes, please, the sooner the better!

Todo: Park?

Me: Be there in 10!

I then turned my phone off and went to tell Kacchan where I was going. I walked over to the park and sat on a swing waiting for Todoroki. He finally showed and I walked up to him.

"Hey, so I have something to tell you," I said as I looked down.

"Go ahead," He said with a soft smile. I looked up at him and began.

"Look, I'm really sorry, but I never really understood love until recently and that definition, I just... don't feel like that towards you. Your different, I never really noticed how I actually felt about you and now that I think about it, I always thought you were 'that' special person. But, you aren't, you are more like a friend to me... like I said I'm so sorry but I just... can't," I said slowly backing away looking down. I look up to his face and see mixed emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion, shock, and clearest of all, heartbreak. It made my insides hurt. I felt like crying. I saw him raise his hand to hit me again and I flinched while I stepped backwards quickly dodging his attack. I started running and tears started to fall out of my eyes. I kept looking back making sure he wasn't catching up to me. I ran into an alleyway and when I turned around I didn't see him. It started raining and I checked my phone, but it died. I started walking to Kacchan's house in the pouring rain. I was so cold and wet and I felt like it was my fault that Todoroki attacked me both times. After about 40 minutes, I finally made it to Kacchan's, I knocked on the door because I didn't have a key and he didn't answer, he must be asleep. I sat down and waited a few minutes before I dozed off.

I awoke to and uncomfortable feeling of coldness, I was shivering, but I was in a bed under the covers with dry long sleeves and pants on. I curled up into a ball, hoping for the cold to disappear. I felt like I was getting colder. The door then opened and Kacchan came in with a hot drink.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked sitting next to me.

"C-cold, why? And what happened?" I said still shivering. He got close to me and snuggled next to my cold body warming me, he handed me the hot drink, it was tea and I drank some. He then began to talk.

"You stayed out late last night and when you got here you knocked on the door, once I got to the door you were asleep on the ground by the door. I took you inside and changed you out of your wet clothes and you ended up with a bad fever. I was with you all night keeping you warm and I guess your coldness woke you while I went to get you some tea." I looked up at him.

"I left Todoroki, and he tried to hurt me again, he didn't land any hits though, I was running from him, that's why I was out late last night. Look, I have something to say to you and I need you to not get mad or leave me ok?" I said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, promise," He said returning the soft smile.

"When you were telling me what love is, I realized that I didn't love Todoroki, I loved someone else. I-I" I said looking away from him waiting for rejection. He instead grabbed my face and pulled it close to his.

"I'm glad, cause guess what! I love you, too, dumb ass!" He said with a light chuckle. I felt a light blush rise to my cheeks. I removed his hand from my face and hugged him he immediately hugged me back.

"No kisses cause I *cough* don't wanna get you sick too!" I said smiling. We sat in a comfortable silence staring into each other's eyes until Kacchan broke it.

"Be my boyfriend, Izuku,"

"Nah," I giggled at the way his face changed. "I'm just kidding, of course I will, Kacchan!" He started to chuckle a little bit.

"You got me you little shit," I took a sip of my tea (THE TEA HAS BEEN SPILLED XD, ur welcome :))

We spent the rest of the day cuddling so I could stay warm and watching movies.
The moment we've all been waiting for has arived!!!!
Hope you enjoyed
Bye my people💕

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