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Sebastian's Second Son part 2


Mini trailer to the side :)

••• Livvy's point of view •••

With a sigh I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked into school. This time I didn't stand in the corner looking stupid. I walked in through the double doors- black shades on, white v-neck on underneath an unbuttoned black shirt .
My skinny jeans were a matching black to go along with my soul. I didn't plan on getting noticed by so many people- I didn't really want to give a shit at school today- but Caspar had annoyed me this morning.

Caspar was playing with a football at the table- you know those brown oval shaped things that are only good for throwing at people?- he bragged about how many friends he had made in one day. Then he asked Mom if he could have one of his friends to stay the night.

Now everyone knows why I'm pissed at him, Mom even agreed to letting his friend stay.
I found my way to class early- some other people were in the class already- nobody too interesting. A few kids with smug, smart looks on their faces. I threw my bag onto the floor and slid into my chair. The desk I leant on had small etchings everywhere, a small 'Ella ♡'s Josh' here, and another 'call me on 123-' well the rest of that was offensive.

I closed my eyes in hopes to get some rest in the sunlight. A hand slammed down on my desk causing me to jump up. I looked through my sunglasses to see a small asian boy standing in front of me. His small face was covered with large-round glasses. He looked around the same age as me but his shortness gave him the sense that he was younger.

"Class is starting in two minutes, you might want to take off your sunglasses before Mrs Denton comes in." He warned me, a soft look on his face calmed me despite the harshness in him slapping the desk.

"Thanks," I pulled off my glasses and the kid stumbled backwards slightly. A strange look on his face. He leant against the desk. His white button up shirt and black tie matched with his deep red jeans.

I scratched the back of my head, well this was awkward. It's like he's never seen grey eyes before- well mine did lack the things other humans had, like happiness, colour and emotion. So I've been told by a dick I know. Yeah, Caspar the friendly ghost- gosh I'd like him to be a ghost.

The kid collected himself as the teacher walked in. The class was almost full and the teacher had this look on her face like 'I am going to torture you until you hate your life'. Well that's not a problem- I already hate my life.

The kid from before was sitting in his seat now, just like everybody else. I became aware of the clock ticking on the wall above the door. I waited impatiently for the class to end.

* * *

I sat in the corner of the cafeteria eating my cheese and fries. It was quiet in my corner- I could almost block out other people's obnoxious yells. Almost. The kid from before slammed his tray of food onto my table and sat down.

"You have a thing for slamming things, don't you?" I twisted one of my fries in the melted cheese before eating it.

"I also have a thing for guys."

I looked up at him confused, was he? What? No.
"You're lying, I can tell." I saw through his lies just as my Mom saw through mine.

He rolled his eyes. "Of course, it was a joke." The kid began to mumble. "But some people think it's real."

I held my box of fries out to him, to make him shut up.
He pushed it away, declining the offer. "Nah, gotta watch my food."

I automatically thought that he was worried about his weight."You don't need to diet you are skinnier than me."

He shook his head. "When potatoes are fried, they naturally produce a chemical called 'acrylamide', It hasn't been proven yet but it's thought to cause cancer." The last word echoed through my head, I have no idea what this black haired boy with the glasses just said but the last word seemed to sink in. Cancer.

I wasn't sure what to say. There was a silence at our almost empty table. "I'm Lee. Pfft, I know a typical name. I'm Lee Sun." He held no hand out, jut stared at me with his big brown eyes.

"Livius Morgenstern." I said after a short moment of silence. "Livius Jale Morgenstern."
Yes- Jale, a mix between Jace and Kyle was my middle name. Trust me I laughed too until I realized the reality of it being my name.

Lee said nothing- he just nodded, accepting my name as it was. We said nothing just exchanged glances until the bell rung for end of lunch.

* * *

I walked in the door, closing it behind me I called out to Mom. "I'm back Mom."
I had gotten through the full day of school, it had been almost bearable with Lee there. With knowing someone. He had a sad look on his face which I found comforting, at least he wasn't hiding his sadness- he was being himself. I slightly admired that.

My mother appeared, a dishcloth being used to dry her hands. "Hey," she said softly as she approached me. "How are you?"


"No really Liv, how are you?" her green eyes glinted with concern. I've always been close to my mother, she's understood me more than anyone. I don't know why either, I would've thought it would be my father I'm closer to. But no, Mom was there.

I didn't want to worry her with my words or thoughts, I also didn't feel like talking much. I took the easy route and stayed away from all my worries. "I sorta met someone."

Mom smiled looking at me with a tilt to her head. "A girl?" I mentally laughed, maybe I should've worded that better.

"No uh-"

"I'm home!" Caspar yelled as he walked in the front door. Great. Footsteps followed him into the lounge where Mom and I were talking. I was about to turn away and walk to my room, but I saw a brief flash of a sorta familiar face.

"Mom, this is Dan." Caspar stepped sideways to reveal a tall boy. He had brown hair that was swept to the side, his ice blue eyes gleamed brightly. His lanky stature suited him oddly enough.

"And this is Anna." I noticed small girl beside him, she looked around Caspar's age. Her shortness was familiar, as so were her soft features. Her long black hair looked silky and soft from the small distance. Then it clicked, she looked like Lee, but I was unsure wether they were related.

I wanted to go to my room and hide from the strangers. But something kept me held in place- a force I had trouble understanding.
Maybe it was her great smile that lit up her face like a firework. Maybe it was the way she flicked her hair over her shoulder natrually. Maybe it was her deep brown eyes that locked with mine, that kept me there.

As soon as she had come she had left, she got a text and rushed off after saying goodbye to Caspar. Dan stayed with an invitation from Mom for him to stay over. There was something different about Dan, he wasn't like Caspar's other friends. But neither was Anna.

I was easily able to move from the spot, I headed straight for my room. I needed silence, maybe play with Jonathan and tell him about my day. It wasn't that great, just like my life. . .it never was.

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