Part one

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The sun has been down for hours now and the sound of crickets chirping fills the crisp night air. The large house was silent, only the creaking of the building settling can be heard. Robert rolled onto his side, his golden curls falling into his face as he let out a sigh, gazing at the wall opposite him. His knees stay tucked up near his chest, and the blankets held up to his chin. With wide eyes, he surveys the room around him, shadows being cast along the walls from the eerie moonlight shining in through the window. He tossed and turned for what seemed to be hours, fearful of what had been happening the past few nights. He would fall asleep, then wake up the next morning with his door wide open, and his pants pulled around his ankles. As the memories haunt his mind, he finally sits up, crying out for Jimmy.
"Jimmmmyy! Jimmmmyyy! James!" His wavering voice echoes throughout the house, followed by a grunt and an annoyed sounding response from the next room.
"Robert, what in the hell do ya want at three in the mornin'??"
"I-I can't sleep... Come here" Robert whimpers pleadingly in response as he pulls the blanket tighter around him. Moments later, Jimmy staggers into the room; hair a mess and a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, draping over his body. Robert peers up at the dark figure before he quickly pats the edge of the bed.
"I need ya t' keep watch for me while I sleep.. Some- weird things have been happenin' at night...." Robert pleads as he scoots over, making room for Jimmy in the narrow bed. With a devious grin, jimmy wakes fully, now realizing what's going on. Jimmy nods and quickly climbs into the bed, glancing over at Robert. A smile lingers on Roberts thin lips as he starts to drift off, comforted by Jimmy's presence.
The moment the blonde singer is asleep, Jimmy jumps up and grabs the hem of Roberts pants, tugging them down to his ankles. A deviant grin spreads across his face as he tucks the blankets back around Robert, scampering out of the room once more.
The next morning, Robert runs into the sitting room, his baby blues wide with fear as he holds onto the edge of his lemon decorated pyjama pants, hiking them up to nearly his chest. He bounds over to the couch, his childlike demeanour innocent in every way possible.
"Jim! Jimmy, it happened again!" He starts to retell the story of how he woke up with his pants in the wrong place, but Jimmy cuts him off, shaking his head in mock disbelief.
"Sh, Rob, I'm sure you're jus'- gettin' busy in your sleep" he shakes his head, a twisted smile on his lips.
"No! No, I'd remember! There's probably a groupie or somethin' hidden around our house! Maybe she's hidin' under my bed..." Robert gasps at the realization and grabs Jimmy's arm, yanking on it and pulling him towards the bedroom. "C'mon lets check...!" Once they reach the doorframe, Robert freezes fearfully. "J-Jim, you go check... They obviously don't want you." He pushes the this, frustrated guitarist forward and into the bedroom, but keeps his stance as onlooker.
With a chuckle under his breath, Jimmy flames under the bed, looking around for less than a second. He stands up straight again and shakes his head, unable to keep his grin from spreading across his face. "There's nothin' there, Rob... I suggest ya keep lookin'... Who know what they could be doin'.. They could be watchin' ya right this second..." He nudges Robert teasingly with his elbow before he saunters off, laughing evilly to himself. "Good luck, Robby!"

Jimmy, I can't sleep. (a led zeppelin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now