Part two

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It is now late afternoon and the young singer and guitarist have set out for the recording studio to meet up with their band mates as well as manager. The dreaded time when they were to meet up with reporters for an article about their new an upcoming album is approaching fast. Robert, having gotten barely any sleep is a mess of golden curls and a set of very unimpressed looking baby blue eyes. He drags his feet along the pavement as he follows Jimmy from the car and up to the front doors of the studio, stopping mid step to complete a yawn; giving him the strange resemblance to a lion roaming the streets. Out of frustration, Jimmy calls to Robert telling him to hurry up, but Robert just casts him a long glare, which gets taken over by yet another yawn. After several yawns and whines from Robert, begging Jimmy not to make him go, they finally reach the sound room where the rest of the band is all lazily sitting around.

John Paul Jones and John Bonham both sit perched near the recording equipment, Bonzo messing with it for a moment in an attempt to turn up the volume for his drums without getting caught. Once the two stars stumble into the room, the reporter looks up, a fake, plastic smile spreading across his mouse like face. With a nose far too- pinched looking for anyone's taste, and eyes that are large and brown; his wide, enhanced smile certainly doesn't fit in with the rest of his features.

"I'll speak with Mr. Plant first, if that's alright with everyone." The reported stated, in more of a demanding tone than anything. He reached out and grabbed Roberts arm, tugging him after him over to a small table in the corner of the room. Too tired to resist, he follows behind, gratefully plopping down in the overstuffed chair set out for him. The reporter pulls out his pen and pad before he releases a long, planned out spiel followed by a list of questions that could have lasted throughout the day without a breath of air; if it weren't for Robert who had fallen asleep five minutes after his back hit the chair. A look of peacefulness set upon his face, his lips curling into a smile showing he had fallen asleep with happy thoughts. Perhaps he was already dreaming?

Jimmy's ears perk up as the sound of the reporters voice, attempting to wake Robert, carries across the room. Without a moments hesitation, the dark haired guitarist bounds across the room, a devious grin spreading across his face. He shoos the reporter out, saying Robert needs his "beauty sleep", then before anybody can object, he turns and starts to unbutton Roberts pants. The band watches with curiosity as his slim, nimble fingers tug the zipper down, his nose wrinkling at the surprisingly loud noise. With a tight grasp on either side of his waistband, he slowly tugs Roberts pants down to his ankles; wide, dark eyes locked on the Golden Gods face the entire time. Surprisingly, Robert doesn't even flinch. With a triumphant smirk, Jimmy stands and turns to march back to his seat, leaving Robert behind with no pants. As Jimmy takes several steps away, the now fully awake Robert jumps up and dives at the clueless guitarist, grabbing onto the pant legs of his purple, silk pants. With a loud laugh, Robert topples to the ground, bringing Jimmy's pants to his ankles and knocking him over as well. The two men lay on the ground, laughter filling the room from everybody; Jimmy being the exception. Jimmy sits up and looks at Robert in silence as he knocks his head back, golden curls dancing along with his movements. After several moments, a grin cracks across Jimmy's previously solemn face, the man erupts in laughter, joining the rest of his band.

"Ah so it was you!" Robert says as he finally sits up, a crooked grin plastered across his boyish face.

"You caught me." Comes the response from the still chuckling Jimmy.

With obviously anything but hard feelings, the two laugh it out and carry on with their day; Robert occasionally walking past Jimmy with a tight grip on the waistband of his pants, fearful the games will continue at any moment

Jimmy, I can't sleep. (a led zeppelin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now