Trials of the Dark Butterfly

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Festivia was now queen as she sat upon the throne that once belonged to her mother.

The latest Queen only agreed to take the throne of Mewni until her mother and father are found and freed by the Magic High Commission. The MHC spent half of their time to try to break through the crystal, but it was a slow progress. Hope for finding the Queen and King of Mewni and freeing them were dwindling away.

Though she was Queen now, many doubt her ability to rule and wished her younger sister to be the ruler. But Meteora made it completely clear that she wants her sister to be the queen. But that didn't mean that things were over for Meteora.

No, she knew her path now, she knew what she had to do but she hates even thinking about it. Despite Festivia's campaign for equality for monsters and Mewmans, things are still too toxic for such a change. But they couldn't go back to ways were before their mother and father, no it was time for the third option.

But first, she needed counseling with an old friend.

She opened her book of Dark Magic and pops out Sir Glossaryck of Terms, or Glossy.

"Hello, Meteora. How have things been?" The tiny floating man wondered as he stretched out his arms.

"Better, not great but better." She answered, "Glossy, I need to talk to you, about my future, about my sister's future, about the future of all Monsters and outcasts. I don't know if it will be the right choice for how people will react. Should I do this?"

"Meteora, I have been with you and your sister for many years. I have seen your flaws, your hotblooded, temperamental, blunt and stubborn to a fault. But you also show a more radiant side as well, you are merciful, wise, a tactical genius, born gifted with magical powers and you defend those who can't defend themselves. If you really think you need to do this, then do it. Everything will work out in the end."

The Monster Princess then gave her trusted friend a hug.

"Thank you, Glossy."

She then wrote a letter, duplicated it for her carrier birds and sent them out for the Magic High Commission.

It was time for a meeting.

Later at the Bureaucracy of Magic...

Sean got everything ready as the Magic High Commission waited for the Queen and Princess of Mewni with their sudden news.

When the two sisters arrived, they were deep in a conversation themselves.

"Metty, are you sure you want to do this? I'm sure this will pass over time."

"Festy, you and I both know that things will only grow worse overtime. You've seen it too. This might be the only way."

"If you're sure about this, then I'll support you." Festiva smiled as she hugged her sister, and both faced the Magical High Commission.

"Baa?" Lekmet wondered.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Rhombulus wondered as the rest of the Commission listened.

"Thank you all for coming. As you may have known our parents are lost to the Crystal Valley by the attacks of the Rogue Monsters and the divide of the people of Mewni is growing. If this does not change then Mewni can face a civil war." Festivia began as the Commission took notice.

"So, what needs to be done?" The ever-boring Reynaldo questioned as he narrowed his eyes at the two sisters.

"Well... Festivia and I have been talking. We think it would be best... if I left the kingdom with the monsters and outcasts and begin a new one."

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