I Love You (Chapter 5)

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**Makayla's P.O.V**

**2 months later**

It's been 2 months since I've last seen Samuel. Definitely not the last time I've talked to him. Samuel has contacted me in any way possible at least twice a week, if not more. I've tried to make it very clear that I do not want to talk to him, at least not right now, but he's obviously not getting that message. I've been asked a lot if I felt like maybe I was overreacting to the situation, and no, I don't at all. Samuel, my husband, the man that I love, was not only having lunch with another girl, which doesn't bother me, but this girl was his nasty, evil, ex from high school that he promised to never have anything with anymore, yet here he was, kissing her. I know what you all are thinking "oh there's more to the story than just them kissing", and yes I know that. A few weeks after seeing the picture, one day when Samuel had texted me again, begging to just let us talk, I asked him for the whole truth. Although I slightly regretted asking afterwards, I felt better knowing exactly what went on.

*Flashback* (These are texts between Makayla and Sammy)

(Sammy) Makayla, please, can we just talk? I just wanna explain

(Makayla) I wanna know what happened Sam. Everything. Did you just kiss her the one time? Or is there more?

(Sammy) There's more....

(Makayla) So you did hook up with her?

(Sammy) Yes

(Makayla) How many times?

(Sammy) I don't know Makayla....

(Makayla) Wow Samuel. So you hook up with your ex girlfriend, kiss her and everything? Was I not enough anymore?

(Sammy) No, Makayla, baby don't say that. It's just not like that. You're my everything.

(Makayla) Whatever Sam

*End of Flashback*

Madison's always telling me I should just let him talk, let him explain, since he's always begging to talk to me, because something is clearly bothering him, but after knowing what had happened, I didn't think I could face him, it hurt enough to talk to him. Did I plan on ever talking to him? At some point yes, but I would worry about that later, my main concern at this point was preparing for Kynlee to arrive. She was ready to come any day now.


**A Few Hours Later**

I had just been watching TV for a few hours, Madison left around 10 this morning and had been out all day at business meetings, it was currently 2 pm. We're doing everything we can to get our business up and running, and it's been a lot of work, so that's what Madison has been working on today, and I told her I would be fine here by myself. She was worried to leave me because I had been having a few contractions here and there since 6 a.m. this morning but I didn't think much of them, I figured they weren't really anything, and I carried on with my day. As my day went on, my contractions started to get stronger, closer together, and lasted longer. I knew that meant that Babygirl was probably going to be ready to come today, so before I went to call Madison, I managed my way upstairs to find my hospital bag and the baby's bag to bring it downstairs, only to not be able to find my bag. Great, I must have left it at my house, well more like Samuel's house now. No big deal, me and Madison can just stop on the way to the hospital and grab it.

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