Chapter 26

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I woke up and screamed and Ben shot up and hugged me "It's okay honey it's just a dream" he kissed my head and laid me back down and rocked me back to sleep as I cried "Are you gonna tell me what happened babe" he said stroking my head then I heard the door open "Is she okay" I heard my dad say "I don't know she has just been crying so I'm giving some time to calm down" "Okay night" "Night" Ben said and the door closed after a few minutes Ben asked me again "You ready to tell me what happened" I shook my head because I couldn't talk he nodded and we ended up just falling back asleep

*Six hours later*

Me and Ben woke up and we just laid there in each other's arms "Mal are you going to tell me what your nightmare was about" I didn't want to think about but I guess I have no choice "It was Malia's 11th birthday (which isn't till another month) and we were just fine but the royals were glaring which I hate them the ground starts to shake which me and the Vk's and my dad know what it means" I pause for a second as Ben starts to stroke my hair because he knows it calms me down "And six villains walk into the Ball room Evil Queen Cruella Jafar Ursula Captain Hook and" I pause and sit up and look at Ben "Gaston and a lot of things happened all the villains went to their hero's so Evil Queen killed Snow White Cruella killed Anita and Roger Jafar killed Aladdin and Jasmine Ursula killed Ariel and Eric Captain Hook killed Peter Pan and Wendy and Gaston killed Belle and Adam" I started crying and so did Ben hearing that his parents had died in my nightmare "Then they started coming after me and their kids but my dad helped us but he wasn't fast enough to safe everyone else and luckily my mom isn't alive or that situation would've been a whole lot worse" "Mal I promise that will never happen to you or to anyone okay" I nodded and we laid there some more and decided to go downstairs because if the kids don't come in our room it's because belle Adam and my dad usually take them we went into the library and saw them all playing and reading then Ben pulled me out "Their having fun come on let's go have our own" he said and pulled me back upstairs and pushed me on the bed...........

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