This is not the End Game

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Love exist, knowing your fav couple just split up doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in love. You'll never know, you might met someone someday at the right time at the right place.

We don't know what's behind those smiles that the SONGSONG COUPLE showed us. I can't believe too, however we have to understand and respect their decision and not blame them for their decisions.

I saw this quote from a site, and her name is Gretchen she said, "You know it's time to call it quits when you're about to drown, attempting to hold both of you above the water. You realize that you may not be able to save the marriage, but at least you can save yourself."

Change happens, it's a constant thing in this world. Either Love will grow or not. In the end we have to make a choice. Let go, be happy and free.

We will always support you SongSong Couples. You are not alone.

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