Pain that's not mine...

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(This is a songfic)

I sat there angry, I wanted to kill someone. "Bryan!" A voice demanded from behind me. "Y-Yes  S-Sir!" I said getting up and facing them. It was Afton. 'What? I've never been this scared of Afton before. Mad yes but not terrified.'. "Keep Malic busy while I set up the weapons." He said. 'Weapons?'. "And if you fail, or betray me. Then I'll be sure to set off that bomb inside you." He said jumping in the portal. 'Wait bomb?.. This must be a Dimension where me and Molten have swapped places!'. I sat there angry, like the type of anger that would make you punch someone if they as so much as breathed on you. I remembered a song that I wrote in collage as a project. I took a deep breath and sang.

Malics P.O.V
I opened the door to the portal room. I saw Bryan sitting on the floor singing. The song went like this

"B-Bryan?" I managed to utter out. He turned to me with a pain-filled, murderous look.

(HAHAHA a cliffhanger!)

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