Carry On - Rainbow Rowell

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A/N: This book is called Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. I loved reading this book and I recommend reading it yourselves. This scene was originally told in Simon Snow's point of view. I will be rewriting it in Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch (Baz)'s point of view. This was a very short scene in the book, so I'm sorry if this too short for you guys.

Updated A/N: Hellooo I have updated/edited this chapter because I felt it needed to be longer. Instead of doing just the original short scene that I chose, I decided to do a couple more scenes added onto the short one making it really long. With that, this chapter will now have two viewpoints (Simon's and Baz's) instead of how it was when I originally wrote it with just Baz's point of view.  As always, I hope y'all enjoy this!

*DISCLAIMER* This is an LGBT+ and fluff scene. If you don't prefer to read it, please skip this chapter. I do not want to force you guys to read something you don't enjoy.


We're sitting on the ground, facing each other. Still kissing. I took him by the shoulders a little while ago, on either side of his collar, and I can't let go. I don't want to let go.

I'm not sure what I'm doing, after all, I've never done this before. Especially with a boy, not just any boy either, Simon Snow. The Chosen One. The Mage's Heir. I, Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, am snogging the Chosen One, my one true love since fifth year.

My heart races, my thoughts going wild. For years all I could think about was Snow. His stupid golden blonde locks and the way they hang over his forehead. Those strikingly blue eyes. Every inch of his face memorized from years of being his roommate, watching him while he slept. The face I thought of during those dreadful nights in the coffin when the numpties caught me. For Crowley's sake, Simon Snow. You mesmerize me.

Snow runs his hands through my hair and clenches his fist in it. Instinctively, I jam my face forward into his and quickly snatch it away.

"Sorry," Simon says. (He's out of breath, I can tell. Truthfully, so am I.)(But I'd never admit that out loud.)

I let go of his jumper - my jumper - and shake my head, my hand pressed to my forehead. "No. It's...Where's your cross?"

I watch as he feels for it on the ground around us, holding it up between us once he finds it.

"Put it back on," I say.

"Why? Are you gonna bite me?"

"No. Have I ever bitten you?"

"No. You've never kissed me before either."

"You kissed me, Snow."

He shrugs. "So? Are you going to bite me?"

I start to get to my feet. "No...i'd just rather think less about it. I need to drink. It's been -" I look around, it's pitch dark. "-too long." I glance back at Snow, quickly looking away. "Look, I have to...hunt. Will you wait?"

"I'll go with you," he says.

"Crowley," I say, "you will not."

He jumps up. "Can it be anything?"


"Anything with blood, yeah?"

"What?" I say again, "Yeah,"

He takes my hand. "Call something. There must be hunting spells."

"There are," I say, my eyebrows lowering. "But they only work at close range."

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