4 - The Only Left

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*Mild Sexual Content*


The aftermath of the brutal fight had left me shattered, my spirit weighed down by the haunting memories that invaded my mind. The images of bloodstained battlegrounds and broken forms replayed relentlessly, a relentless playback of violence and pain. The sanctuary of my room became both my refuge and my prison, shielding me from the outside world that seemed to have shifted beneath my feet.

The impending meeting with the pack authorities loomed over me like a storm cloud, and the prospect of facing Alpha filled me with an unsettling mix of dread and defiance. The mere thought of him brought a shiver down my spine, a mixture of fear and resentment that had taken root within me. A part of me yearned for his rejection, an escape from the responsibilities that now weighed heavily on my shoulders. But my wolf, always lurking beneath the surface, growled with a primal determination, unwilling to yield to the prospect of rejection.

As the day of the meeting dawned, I rose early, the warm water of the shower offering only a temporary reprieve from the knots of anxiety that clenched within me. The water couldn't wash away the unease that had taken residence in my heart, but it did provide a moment of clarity amidst the storm. I dried my hair, its strands falling in familiar patterns as I styled it, a touch of normalcy amid the impending chaos.

Before the mirror, I assessed myself in the white summer dress I had chosen, a garment that bore the symbolism of the moon, the very essence of my newfound role as Luna. Its design exposed my shoulders and collarbone, a deliberate choice that garnered my own reluctant attention. The allure it possessed was not a priority; instead, I sought to convey the gravity of the occasion, a silent tribute to the teachings my father had instilled in me.

A knock at the door jolted me from my thoughts, my reflection forgotten as I tensed in response. The approaching footsteps of my father resonated, a reassurance that somehow managed to soothe the edges of my anxiety. The creak of the door signaled another presence, a member of the pack sent to escort me to the Pack House, where the meeting awaited.

With a steadying breath, I moved away from the mirror, my fingers smoothing the fabric of the dress as if to anchor myself. This was not about vanity or appearance; it was about demonstrating the principles that had been instilled in me, about showing a measure of grace and dignity in the face of uncertainty.

"Beta Alexander. A pleasure to meet you," my father's voice resonated through the hall, accompanied by an air of formality. I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh as I heard that the Beta himself had been assigned to accompany me to the Pack House. Reluctantly, I left the confines of my room and began descending the stairs, making an effort to move quietly and avoid drawing unnecessary attention. Pausing midway down the staircase, I leaned against the wall, allowing myself to overhear the conversation unfolding below.

I've known Beta since I started volunteering at the construction site. My main role was handling the paperwork, which helped save time for the other workers. Besides the practical help, I also saw it as a way to get reference from inside the pack for my school. However, my wolf told me not to seek validation in this way.

That's the place where I first encountered Alexander - a reserved, no-nonsense individual. Initially, he appeared quite private and somewhat anti-social, but I managed to engage him in conversation, even if only briefly.

"Grey. The pleasure is all mine," Beta Alexander responded, his tone tinged with a sense of honor and respect. Our pack's traditions dictated that males didn't shake hands; instead, we exchanged a bow of the head as a sign of respect to those more powerful within the hierarchy.

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