What would you say when you first come to camp?

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Aries: "Fuck this shit, I'm not gonna spend my summer in a summer camp, I'm outta here." (wires bus and yeets away)

Taurus: "Okay, this is fine." (Turns around to see Gwen cursing at kids) "Totally Okay."

Capricorn: "This is disappointing."

Cancer: "Cliche-"

Scorpio: "Um, is this the wrong bus?"

Aquarius: *Looks at David's red maple leaf hair*-

Pisces: (screams in disgust)

Libra: "I'm here for the food."

Leo: "This place looks cool."

Sagittarius: (Stares at the camp in excitement)

Gemini: "Is this a scam! It said it was summer school, not a camp!"

Virgo: "Hi."

If you don't like it....
Blame it on the online spinning wheel ;-;

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