.......................... Author's Note..................
Hey guys! New writer here.🍁😄
Just a figment of my imagination and I hope you like it although there'll be many many mistakes grammatically or plot wise, but hey "Let nothing stop you". Happy Reading ❤️🌾
........................................................................Gray ashes laid still on the ground as if they had always been there. I sighed when I felt a teardrop made contact with my skin, witnessing the gray turn soft black. Although the drizzle wasn't heavy, it was enough to get me drenched.
I held out my hand trying to reach out to the soaked black but it receded resting violently five feet apart from where I stood. I began to marvel at how life-like the soaked ash seemed and then I saw a warm white light begin to descend settling finally at a spot on the wet black ash.I watched the light piercing through the dark matter and out pushed the green head of a sprout. It was calming to see this transition, to be able to breathe and feel my chest heave everytime I see a change. It had been long since I had given myself time to contemplate.
The sprout grew and even though this was a dream it felt astonishingly real. Time, here was in her rush. The plant was now blooming and quickly it did. The beautiful bud broke open revealing a bright yellow head surrounded by five warm white swaying petals. The flower seemed as though it was a soul, one who had passed on, smiling as she ascends shedding her memories of being defiled.
Maybe in death there's warmth.
That's it for the chapter called "Warmth"
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It's 9:50 p.m. (IST), 23rd of SEPTEMBER. Signing off K❤️🌾🖐️😄
The Defiled
AdventureThis is a story that takes the author himself on a spiritual odyssey. Teenage life had always been with hurdles and though the stories that are told might have made us felt prepared, we have our own story to tell.