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  Kiara looked at Advay.. She was thinking about her past,the time she spend with Arnav..
(Khushi Singhania will be adressed as Kiara from hereon normally except conversation)
  The time Arnav had attention on her was rare, at first she thought it was due to the hustle bustle of their lives, but now she realized that it was due to Arnav's lack of feeling for her..  It was like Arnav was looking for someone else within her..

  Advay shook her out of her daze..

"Baby.. What are you thinking again? "asked Advay looking keenly at Kiara

  She just shook her head in denial..

Advay sighed.  He knew Kiara had enough tensions in her life. And her biggest enemy ,her brother is still playing hide and seek from her..

     Kiara spent her time with Advay and after Advay took promise from her to not say anything about him to anyone, she returned home..
  Advay sighed in relief and began to pace up his mission.  But what he didnot know that Kiara Singhania had noticed his unease about her family, specially her brother.  And the shrewd bussinesswoman in her was ready to begin her investigation..

   And after learning about Arnav, Kiara started to doubt the incidents happening around her.  So to be secure, she started to liquidising her wealth and mysteriously began buying shares of other MNCs.. She will not come to the front anymore and just relax and let those MNCs earn money for her..

   Advay admired the sharp mind of her.  She was strong, independent,intelligent,beauty..

   The business of Singhanias was falling and Kiara was slowly withdrawing her funds and as the major shareholder, she was never paying any attention to the company anymore... It started the fights between always together Kabir and Kiara.  And Kiara came face to face with the arrogant, rude,cruel and cunning side of Kabir..

   Kiara had sold most of her shares and Kabir bought it.  But Kiara being the CEO had hid the fact that the business was sinking rapidly.. So Kabir one day after few months entered inside the cabin of Kiara and declared himself as the new major shareholder..  Then everyone came to know that Kiara had actually sold all her and her mother's share. And Kiara left the office..

   In these months many things changed.  Most noticable was the change of Kiara.  Kiara became more close to her mother.  Both now share a true bond. Advay showed Kiara enough proofs to Kiara,and Kiara came to know about the truth about Kabir..  And the the ruthless Kiara Singhania decided to revenge her sister Khushi, her mother and herself...

   Kiara also told Kavya about the truth of her being Kiara not Khushi and about how Kabir and their father planned all the accidents.. Kavya had a major nervous breakdown and with the help of Advay and Kiara,she was now okay...

   They kept everything a secret so that Kabir dont find out.  And Kabir Singhania being unware of his doom was enjoying the power of Singhania company...

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