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I was down in the ring. I said so last night as you know I fell through the cage and through the ring. Now all I have is fractured ribs. I'm shocked I don't have broken bones. But anyways since I have fractured ribs I cannot compete. The doctors said I would be out for 2 months. Let the record show I did beat Shayna. She just got lucky that the cage broke. By the way I haven't forgotten the stipulation. Shayna time to pay up. So come to the ring right now and admit the truth. Shayna walked down and got in. She said you're so annoying. I said hey we made a deal you just happened to lose. Shayna said yeah but who's out of action. I said are you gonna admit to why I hate you? Shayna said sure. I nearly ruined Kylie's relationship. I told Damian she was cheating on him with Conor McGregor. When she wasn't. I was just mad that she beat me. I also almost did it today. Well her boyfriend did. Kylie's boyfriend Damian Priest cheated on her with me. The best part is she took him back afterwards. I said screw you. Shayna said no your boyfriend already did that. I said guys you don't know the full truth about my injury. Not even Stephanie and Shane know. Before I fell through I told Shayna the cage was about to break and she threw my through it anyways. It wasn't an accident she intentionally did this to me. Shayna said it was not intentional. I said I told you the cage was breaking and you did it anyways. That's not an accident. Shayna said guys I thought she was lying. I said bullshit. The crowd said eww. I said why would I lie about the cage being broke? I'm not gonna lie my way out of a fight. I'm not Charlotte Flair. The crowd said ewww. I said what? It's the truth. She avoids conflict. But anyways you intentionally injured me and you intentionally tried to kill my relationship not once but twice. What's next? I'm not leaving Damian and when I come back I'm gonna kick your ass. Bye bitch. I stepped through the ropes and went to the back....

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