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Irene: what movie do you guys wanna watch

Y/Nkook: horror

Taehyung: okay

*Irene put an movie on and sat beside Taehyung and watched the movie with us. A few hours later the movie ended we all went to our rooms and slept*

{Time skip:next morning}

6.30 A.M

Taehyung: Y/N, jungkook wake up

Y/N: jungkook wake up

Jungkook: huh, oh yeah

Phone: ring ring ring

On the phone
Y/N: hello

Principal: oh good morning Y/N, I'm sorry it's late but go and pack some clothes the competition is in the USA where gonna be there for 3 days. Be at school on 9 and make sure Taehyung and Irene pack there clothes too

Y/N: oh okay

Principal: alright be on time
End phone call

Jungkook: who was it

Y/N: the principal

Jungkook: what happend

Y/N: where going to the USA for the competition so we have to pack some clothes

Jungkook: oh okay

Y/N: I'm gonna tell Taehyung and Irene

*I walked down starts and saw them both making breakfast I walked up behind them and scared them*

Irene+Taehyung: Jesus Y/N

Y/N: hahaha, but anyway we have to pack some clothes the competition is in the US where staying there for 3 days

Irene: oh okay

* I walked back upstairs packed my suitcase and did my morning routine and since we will be taking the plane I put on something comfy*





Y/N: I'm done

Jungkook: aww cutie

Y/N: hehe

Jungkook: lets go, I'm starving

*we grabbed our suitcases and dragged them behind us down stairs when we managed to go down we ate breakfast and washed the dishes*

Y/N: it's 8 we still have time what should we do

Taehyung: mmh...

Irene: maybe we could...No I have no idea

Jungkook: haha, maybe could practise quickly

Y/N: sure

*we quickly practised a bit until my alarm went off telling us that we would leave, we quickly said bye to our parents and put the suitcases in the trunk and drove to school, when we arrived everyone was already in class since we where the only 4 who participated for the competition*

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