Chapter 3

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As soon as my gun dropped his head snapped towards me, it really was him. Daryl. He was here, really here right in front of me. I knew my face was full of shock as well as relief just like his. However, there was still a part of me that didn't believe this was happening that after all this time he was here alive.

"D-Daryl" I managed to croak out between the tears I didn't realise I was letting out, reaching out with a shaking hand I gently placed my hand onto his cheek checking if this was real. That action seemed to not only come as proof to me, but to him too as he slowly made his way into the back of the car to come face to face with me. As soon as he was sat next to me in the back I threw myself into his arms letting the roll freely down my face, just like that morning I was sitting in Daryl's lap my legs either side of him as I sobbed into his chest wrapped tightly in his arms. "Y-you're h-here, y-you're r-really h-here" I managed to choke out my hands clenched in his shirt as I sobbed my heart out.

"Y-yeah I'm here now Sammy." He whispered into my neck as he gripped me as tight as possible. I leaned back to get a look at his face noticing the silent tears that he had in his eyes, we spent some time memorising each others faces all over again. He had barely changed despite his scruffier look and his slight stubble. Daryl appeared to be done with his look over as he grabbed the back of my head bringing me into a sweet kiss filled with nothing but love. However, the moment was cut short when he seemed to spot something over my shoulder what ever it was caused an instant reaction as he placed me gently onto the seat next him.

"W-what's happening?" I asked in a confused town as I noticed his calculating look, when I turned to look out the back window he grabbed my face turning it back towards him.

"There's a herd comin' stay in here as low as possible, don't make a sound" He told me in a calm voice, panic instantly settled over me I'd never encountered a herd before. "Where are you going? Why would you leave if a herds coming?" I questioned, this can't be happening I just got him back but he was quick to silence me placing a sweet kiss to my lips once again. "Don't worry I gotta take care of something I'll come back for ya otherwise don't leave this car, I just got ya back I ain't leaving you anytime soon an you ain't leavin' me either" He gave me a kiss on the forehead and pushing me onto my back as gently as possible, he exited the truck quickly giving me one last fleeting look before running off to do whatever he was trying to do.

I did exactly what Daryl told me to do pressing as tightly into the seats as I could also retrieving my knife from its sheath just in case, the first one came stumbling by but luckily because of the height of the truck you could only see the very top of their heads as they passed. All I could do was sit in the truck and wait, the only thing that could be heard was my deep breathing while I watched the undead stumble by, no matter how bad I wanted to peak I knew I couldn't. It felt like hours till there was no one walking by but I still obeyed Daryl's orders waiting for him screaming put me on high alert. What was happening? Who was in Daryl's group? What was his group like? My thoughts were quickly cut off when Daryl came running over to the truck yanking the back door open.

"What happened?" I asked, quickly sitting up to examine him it took only seconds for me to notice the blood on his hands causing my eyes to widen. I grabbed his hands in mine looking them over for a bite or a scratch as I heard him chuckle causing me to look up.

"Always worrying about me like always" He joked staring at me with loving eyes. "It ain't my blood, someone from my group got hurt" He reassured me instantly calming me down but not making me let go of his hands. "Come on I think someone had a run in with a few walkers" Following his directions I slipped to the edge of the seats and quickly jumping out of the truck, as soon as I my feet hit the ground we started making our way down the road as Daryl kept as close to me as possible.

I guess it was time to meet Daryl's group.

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